Butch's Blog

I am an American and I am proud to be an American. I have been around the world and have seen many things and America is still the greatest country ever. One thing that I am sick and tired of is seeing people disrespecting our country, our military, out flag, our anthem, and our God. I stand for our flag and the anthem, I honor our great military and our vets, I love the God of America and Israel and I am not ashamed of her. I will stand against all the tyranny against our country. There are wicked people trying to destroy our country by causing division. The devil divides and God multiplies. Mark 3:25 in the KJV says, “And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.” There are people using terrorist tactics of rebellion, racism, lies, false statements, and every evil thing against America and the American culture.

It is time to stop, pray, stand up and come together in unity. If you are American, you are not black, or white, or Hispanic, or purple, or any other color. You are an American. Period or you are not an American. America is the land of the free and the home of the brave. I challenge you today America to stand up and come together in unity. Like the Minutemen of the American Revolution the time is NOW! There are wicked people trying to undermine our culture and our values.  They have manipulated an army of vicious and mean spirited militant people to tear our values and culture down.  Enough is enough. 

It is time to drop the petty labels and come together. America I call you this day, this hour. Make a stand. Those who are trying to destroy America must be stopped. You are either American or not. If you are, stand up now. This is a fight for our country. 

I stand and cry out to your hearts now to make a strong difference for our country, our values, and our morals. There is a battle for our land. Will you answer the call like the minutemen of the Revolutionary War did. They were ready at a minutes notice.

I am proud to stand and salute the flag of the greatest country in the world. I am proud to stand for our great military and our faithful veterans. I am thankful for their service. Will you stand with me? America needs you and it needs me. I love American and I accept the call to stand for liberty and freedom. Will you? America must stand. I voted already. I voted life. Life for the unborn, life for freedom and American values, life for our American morals, life for freedom of speech and freedom of religion, the right to bear arms against tyranny, and life for American families. Stand up now. God bless you and God Bless America. Blessings,

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