American Zombie

in #america7 years ago

We are definitely living in the age of mass deception, misinformation, and lies. When I say lies I'm not talking about the little white lies that your parents used to tell you when you #swere a child to make you feel secure about what you thought of the world growing up. No, not at all. I'm talking about lies as in everything you've thought to be true isn't.
Do you ever just look around you and ask yourself... What in the world is going on? People have gone crazy! We are living among real life American zombies. Americans that have been completely brainwashed by the mainstream media. Which by the way 90% of every outlet we turn whether it's for the news or just a mindless show for entertainment is owned and operated by just six corporations. I'm going to go ahead and list the six for everyone to look at and their most known outlets that we all are familiar with on an everyday basis. However, keep in mind that there are over 230 media executives that control these companies. So in my personal opinion, this is why we see some outlets lean one way and another will lean the other way.
One nation controlled by the media that set out to propagandize everything. I mean everything, we can't get away from it if we tried. It meant to confuse the nation, divide the nation, brainwash the nation and distract the nation. It all comes down to control. Honestly, they have done an amazing job at it! Just look around and try to have an intelligent conversation with someone that may have a difference of opinion than yourself. It won't happen more than likely.If your experiences are anything like mine then you know what it feels like to talk to a brain dead American zombie. It absolutely terrible and makes you wish that you were really in the TWD just to rid the planet. But since that's not the reality we have to deal with these zombies. How do you think this even happened? Could it be maybe the major corporations have targeted us for a very long time? I, of course, have my own thoughts as to why but I'm curious as to what you think. I'm curious how others handle these situations where you find yourself face to face(or Facebook to Facebook/Tweet to Tweet/hell even Youtube) with someone that has an attention span of a goldfish. I know that everything that is broadcast or published on whatever platform is there for a specific reason other than what it should be there for. Like actually inform not misinform. I've learned that you have to take the good with the bad and pick through almost everything to find the truth. Even then who really knows? What is truth anyhow? Because my truth may differ from your truth based on who you listen too. It really is one big mind fuck and I'm so over it. That's why I do my best to put forth facts rather than opinions on our page. Like it or not we all have opinions and like my dad used to tell me some stink.

Well, people all I can do is suggest that we all stop fighting about who is right and who is wrong and come together and learn from each other. Nothing will ever change if this narrative continues. Because in the end we all still share the same planet and we all are still affected by everyone's actions in one or another.
General Electric -Comcast, NBC, Universal Pictures
News Corp- Fox, Wall Street Journal, New York Post
Disney - ABC, ESPN, Pixar, Miramax, Marvel Studios

Viacom- MTV, Nickelodeon, BET, CMT, Paramount Pictures

Time Warner -CNN, HBO, Time, Warner Brothers

CBS- Showtime, Smithsonian Channel, NFL, 60 minutes