Ambidextrous experiment - part 1

Hello steemers

Sorry, I haven't been around this week.
But I'm not going to go into the crapfest that has been my week as I have had my self-pity party and I'm now moving past it.

image from

Why the experiment?

Well on Tuesday I broke my right wrist and therefore need to learn how to do things with my left hand instead of my right.
I have been told by several people since that being ambidextrous is supposed to be good for brain function. Which left me thinking "Is it?"
So off I went to do some research.
From what I have read I have come to the understanding that research show that being ambidextrous while good for creativity has been linked to some learning difficulties and mental health issues.
This research also suggests that learning to be ambidextrous can have a negative effect on Maths, memory and logical reasoning skills.

a couple links you may find interesting:

This left me thinking maybe it's not such a good idea to teach myself to be ambidextrous, but I need to learn how to use my left hand if I can't use my right.
So my logical conclusion was to keep a record and test myself regularly to see if there is any noticeable change.

My plan

  1. My plan is to practise using my left-hand everyday, writing, drawing, crochet and other everyday tasks.
  2. Keep a record of my progress
  3. Test my maths, memory and logical reasoning skills on a weekly basis.
  4. compare my progress and my test results to see if there is a noticeable change.
    (I will not be doing any additional studies in math, memory or logical reasoning while conducting this experiment.)

Initial results

I just want to include a small disclaimer. I have had some practice before I decided to conduct this experiment so that may have an effect but hopefully, I will still get some interesting results.

Maths Test
I completed the test in 32 minutes and 41 seconds and scored 53%

Memmory Test
I scored 84% and my average response time was 800 milliseconds.

Logical Reasoning Test
I completed this test in 28 minutes and scored 11 out of 20

My early attempts at wrighting left-handed

Basic mark making

My first attempt at drawring left-handed

While I have attempted to crochet left handed I don't have anything to show you as I still haven't figured out how to even hold the hook and yarn yet.

I will be back next Sunday with more results.
Hope you found this interesting.

Lovel To All XX


Sorry to hear you broke your wrist...

Will be sending you positive energy, hope you feel better soon..


Sorry to hear about your wrist. But interesting experiment. I'll be keen to see how it goes.

Thanks for your contribution to my constest! Your story is interesting for me, because I use my right hand for writing, my left hand for playing table tennis and additionaly because I'm a mathematician.
I'm curius to see your further results. Good luck especially for the recovery of your wrist.
Tomorrow the voting of the jury ends and we'll know the competitors for round 2.

I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous... ;-)

Trust me it's not worth it, my memory has been getting worse since I started this experiment. I forgot my friend was in my house yesterday.