THE POWERS OF GIVING THANKS! Just six letter words.

in #amazing7 years ago


Let study from the book of Luke 17:11-19

Leprosy is a very dangerous disease it can displaced a person from is home and relations.
We shall make our analysis from our text if we take a look from Luke 17:11 NIV
Now on his way to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee.
I think border can be called boundary beteew two country or say place.
And in a border you see many unwanted materia of many country that share boundary with one with the view that what we no longer need in our place we sell to you because u might need them.
But in this cases we find out that this unwanted property are not object or non living materials but their are set of human being called the lepers so can see they don't need them again because of their leprosy.
Verse 12 As he was going into a village ten men who had leprosy meet him they stood at a distance
We have established from verse 11 that people with leprosy are not allowed to live in a town or any village so you can see that this people need not to be close to the master is not has they disrespect Jesus not it has become their tradition that if a don't come closer because you are not clean.
So now my brethren what is that make people to be far from you?
Is it disease, or academic barrenness, poverty, beauty, your ability to talk with people or its difficult for you to find life partner.why can't you just take a step by calling him from a far he will do your own too just call him just like the ten lepers.
Verse 14 when he saw them he said "Go, show yourselves to the priest" And as they went they were cleansed
Many of us may me thinking why did Jesus ask them to go to the priest
If you look at the master principle he always like to tests a believer faith.
So we can say he want to test their faith.
He want then to be taken fully in to the Church.
He want the priest to be their witness that it was Jesus who as done this for them.
For years now the lord might show you were to go for your problem of year to be solve but your faith never want you to go or you always fill big please go now and be saved the master is still passing and he is saying go my son go it is time for your deliverance.
Verse 15 one of them when he saw he was healed,came back praising God in a loud voice.
It was ten that where heal but only one of them make back to thanks Jesus.
For years you have being praying to God for things and he has done it finally but you say you thank him in public he No's that your heart thank him,why can't you copy from the leper man and begins to praise him in your louder voice,he never need your money he never need your fine cars because he gave them for you all my God demands from you is just to reference his name thank him because God can not begins to thank himself so brethren please stand up and begins to thank the Lord Jesus Christ if you do he shall give you more.
Verse 17 Jesus asked "not all ten cleansed?where are the other nine?
It show that Jesus is expecting you to come and thank in for what he has done in your life so that he can do more for you.
Verse 18 only one came back an was a foreigner he need you to come and praise him because he knew you understand the kingdom principle and not only foreigners so go and thank him,just checks your heart you shall remembers is good work in your life.
Verse 19 Then he said to him,RIse and go,your faith has made you well.
Brethren because you have listen to his voice today to thank him he has promised to make you well physically spiritually and all part of life you God shall Begin to do your own first because he knew you will always thanks him.