
DO NOT TRUST @berniesanders aka Bernie Mussolini the facist!

He lies to you, he manipulates you, while he profits from the STEEM economy. Instead of sucking his balls in the hope of a small sub dollar upvote, stick up to the community and ignore or annoy him like I do.

Do your part today

Maybe you should add a little disclaimer that you work for DTube? Your comment appears as if you are trying to save your own interests. A little more explanation about the concerns raised in Bernie's post would have been better.

This comment has been used for the last week on all his blog articles. It's my spam content for his blog. It serves no other purpose but to annoy him.

I'm doing that because his blog is trash and he started this shit by downvoting all my 7 days comments (about 30 of them) because of a single comment he didn't like. He could have just downvoted this comment, he downvoted all my active comments instead.

There's been tons of explanations in other comments on his blog. You can see that anytime I try to argue with him, he will spam popcorns and pretend that he can do whatever he wishes with his stake, just like a young kid when you remove his favorite toy.

@heimindanger is a homophobe, remind him it's 2018 and people are people.

Would you believe anyone who calls someone else a "fag" in a derogatory way?

Yeah and this was against a SteemIt Inc employee at the time!

Also it's really easy to take things out of context. Why don't you link the full conversation before this comment of mine? Afraid of highlighting when I say things people can rally behind? (and when enough time has passed to prove I was right)

I don’t care about the context, using that term is never appropriate. Go fuck yourself bigot.

Next time I will include the link, BOTH of them.

Homophobe trash.

Are you aware that you were saying that I was having gay sex with fulltimegeek 2 days ago? Now you call me homophobe?

Let me know when you have chosen which of the attacks you want to press, then I'll decide how to answer.

I’m going to deal with the trash (you) the proper way and just mute you and let the bots handle the rest.

Have fun trolling my threads and wasting your time.

Bye bye bigot.

Yes, because you guys seem to have a little thing for each other. I don’t see the problem with that but apparently you do since you find it insulting. Not surprising considering what you’ve called people in the past.

I also don’t really know if you’re male or female.

Another awesome failure at trying to justify your bigotry.

Bigot trash, don’t worry, I’ll get my commenting bot set up tonight. This should be fun showing everyone the real you.

Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
Read more at:

I agree that there are a lot of issues with D-tube. A year ago everyone was trying to compare it with Youtube. But now nobody cares and we rarely see something positive about it.
A lot of Steemins quit it because It is not user friendly and very heavy most of the time when watching a video.
The developer should take it soo serious and fix all these issues or else I don't think It is going anywhere ahead, except being neglected and shut down like D-Live.

I don't think d-live shutdown but they are migrating to another blockchain for their better..

DLive wasn’t neglected or shut down, it moved over to a different blockchain which is why there is no more site of it on Steem.

Posted using Partiko iOS

@heimindanger is a homophobe, remind him it's 2018 and people are people.

Would you believe anyone who calls someone else a "fag" in a derogatory way?

Instead of blowing hot air like you always do Bernie, how about putting some money where your mouth is? How much would you like to wager that Dtube will be a top 10K website before Q2 of next year?

Based on the main dev trolling, calling people faggots and offending people nearly every day, I think it seems unlikely.

Based on the site barely working, it seems unlikely...

I sure hope it does though. I don't like him, but I'm hoping he pulls his head out and focuses. He has a great opportunity.

Oooh this is good!! A homophobe too eh???

@whatsup thanks for pointing out that @heimindanger likes to throw around terms like "faggot" - what a great guy...

Blowing hot air? Look at the comments moron, the site is a piece of shit.

Look at the comments

Like the ones you censored?


That comment was pretty idiotic itself. Yeah, I am talking about you @dailydogger. Growth of a project isn't pegged to the bear market.

The following two websites / projects are where I lurk around the most these days. I was a top 10 contributor in musing during its early days when it didn't have any delegation from Steem Inc nor had any proper funding source.

I supported trybe despite the fact that the team screwed up pretty big during their airdrop. Both of these projects are moving pretty smoothly. Their content quality have improved significantly and the developers constantly make changes to make improvements.

I can't say the same for I have come across several times in the past few months and I didn't notice any changes / improvements regarding content quality or the main website. It's SLOW, filled with low quality paid promotions or "advice" videos by Jerry Banfield 2.0 (@joeparys). @heimindanger

You should probably learn what censorship is. Turd.

Flagging != Censorship

It's much easier to earn on @dtube than YouTube @berniesanders I actually recommended it at a Bloggers & Vloggers workshop I was speaking at here in Davao City, Philippines (today).

The recommendation I have for @heimindanger that is probably the highest priority is increasing the speed that videos play since the videos pauses while I'm watching but YouTube doesn't.

The name in itself though is enough to say that it isn't just a piece of shit - I cannot think of a better name and domain for a decentralized video sharing app than

I also like how people can host other people's videos so that they stay online and that more than one person can host a single video so that it is harder to censor.

YouTube is seemless and doesn't have the bugs that @dtube has but trust me, there are a lot of complaints in the vlogging community about YouTube, their censorship, demonetization options and their tendency to shape who gets seen and who doesn't.

This is a huge opportunity for @heimindanger and he is also giving us Vloggers a big opportunity by upvoting our posts.

I don't know enough about you @berniesanders or even @heimindanger but I appreciate this community and hope that you two will resolve your differences.

Why wager when you can bounty?

@heimindanger is a homophobe, remind him it's 2018 and people are people.

Would you believe anyone who calls someone else a "fag" in a derogatory way?

i agree with you

@heimindanger is a homophobe, remind him it's 2018 and people are people.

Would you believe anyone who calls someone else a "fag" in a derogatory way?

Here is not only one but TWO examples of this bigot using homophobic slurs.

What ever the numbers are, I think this is just a hit piece because of your current feud with @hemindanger. @dtube has helped me grow on Steemit more than any other dapp here, period. It has provided the opportunity to make a living within this flawed ecosystem and to them I appreciate it.

Sure @dtube has its issues but do does everything here when you hold the magnifying glass to it. @dtube deserves every penny of @ned delegation. It has brought so many people together and has pulled some out of poverty.

"has helped me grow on Steemit more than any other dapp here, period"

Last time I checked you cannot run dapps on the steem chain...


You didnt look very hard. Just off of the top of my head:

The Steem chain is focussing on Dapp development and third party onboarding ofcnew users. It is part of the reason behind HF20.

The Steem chain is an excellent platform for Dapps - quick transactions and cheap fees.

The number of new developers working on Dapps here is exploding, and so to will the user base.

None of these are DApps. Do you even know what a DApp is?

These numbers are awful and its all true. See this link. As much as I want DTube to succeed, there is no doubt that it's struggling. I have used DTube right from the beginning, mostly for the reason that it is on the Steem blockchain and I've had many issues with YouTube. After DLive left, DTube should be soaring but its not. Videos older than a few months no longer work. I've been sharing links to people with videos that don't work. I am very glad I have a YouTube alternative for all my videos. DTube also appears to upvote the same users time and time again. Check this out.


Over 16 days just an additional 108 accounts upvoted. See that nice brown chunk, that's 1.7% of the upvotes going to the @reseller. No wonder you're happy with DTube.

DTube previously took a 25% beneficiary cut from payouts and redistributed most of it to curators. It was so badly advertised hardly anyone knew about it. I'm not willing to give up on DTube yet but it seriously needs to get its shit together.


Appears it's fairing better than Steemit....DTube has certainly been a net positive for me and my Steem experience. It's not without issues like all developments, but certainly it has helped me grow and improve as a creator more than any other dApp that is or has been here. I've had a good 10 months or so creating on there, appreciate the followers that watch and enjoy my stuff. I'd say @ned did exactly the right thing ;)

Nice feud you and Heim have going on though.'s traffic directly follows the price of Steem, which in turn closely follows the price of Bitcoin.

That correlation is very interesting. Why would that be? It seems to me that people are running behind the facts. When price goes up everyone want to be part of it, when price goes down they abandon it.

Wow, are people really that easily influenced by sentiment? ...

I think Steem changes in relation to bitcoin because of larger buyers buying/selling using bots as part of portfolios. The relation of posting rate to token value shows that people are using the platform to make money and the lack of social feature development means that in the market place Steem sites are not competitive on their own merit in that regard. People need to be motivated to use the sites with or without rewards, otherwise they will just post elsewhere or do other things when the token value is low and they can be rewarded for their time more effectively elsewhere. That's my opinion anyway!

Dropping 7,283 places is better than 956. I don't think so. I think you might be biased because you are on the DTube upvote list.

tbf im p sure all of steem has been in decline.

also amateur-built crappy platforms are kinda the base for better platforms in the future

Pretty idiotic post; how is a crypto based project supposed to hold a steady growth when literally everything around it drops in value? Also, using bidbots to shit talk is pretty disgusting, but I assume otherwise the post would be on 1 or 2 dollars so nice one

Please do not feed the trolls. This berniesanders account is clearly a troll. Dtube has a massive rise to a a high US and World ranked website and then there is some fall off? Earth shattering news. Are you now going to say the same thing about Steemit because it fell as well?

Humm I wonder who sent the thedelegator and abusereports to downvote my recent comments and content. Could it be a troll? Yeah I think so. How dare I speak out.

Surely Dtube has uploading and buffering issue but drop in ranking is probably due to drop in interest in crypto from general public.

I hope when prices rise Dtube guys can afford better servers to service the streaming community.

Yeah i thought that as well. @dtube must have massive problems with servers due to being crypto based. Im pretty positive that its super hard finding someone to host that will take crypto as payment. Maybe witnesses could take it upon themselves?

Posted using Partiko Android

agreed Bernie you are right there are many bugs it was too much lagya seriously i don't like it for the first time..

yea, it sucks!
now you can debate on how it is going to be the number 1 site in the universe but that won't change it is a web cover with an outdated script under it

I've been getting an unknown error every time I try to upload for like a month. :(

@heimindanger, why does your site suck so bad? This user hasn't been able to upload for "like a month".

Same here ..

Try to relog using the private posting key instead of steem connect

I didn't even realize I could log in without Steem Connect! Ok, I will try that next time, thanks.