3rd test of ALt Yes
3rd test of altyes (Why wont this post to steem blockchain?)
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The latest posts from Zachary W. Williams. Follow me at @ackza. Human Capital Management at Steem Blockchain. Leader of US Decentralized Intelligence Agency (Powered by Steem)
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Posted using AltYes browser extension.
So this works? lets see
@enginewitty will i be able to just post with a #share2steem style hashtag like @algocoder had on @share2steem ? im excited for this
Honestly, I didn't use share2steem much, by the time I had heard about it, it was down and so i am not sure what you mean by the hashtags.
hah bro on @share2steem-io all i did was ngive it posting authority once, and add codes to my Instagram youtube and twitte rprofiles ONCE, and that wa sit, i just posted to fucking twitter and used a hashtag #share2steem man thats your stuck up problem algocoder u and all the europeans in steem you NEVER use what is USEFUl
you turn your nose up to it
you had no idea how easy we were using steem did you?
Theres fucking instagram accounts out teher who only used share2steem toi post USING JUST THE HASTGA #share2steem IN THEIR POST
its liek U CANT EVENB IMAGINE a world where thionsg WORK well because yopur used to shitty life in teh EU! wheer everything SUCKS and youve NEVER BEEN FREE NOT ONCE NOT EVER
di you get that?
you could simply post to instagram and use a hashtag
share2steem would repost your entrie instagram post to steem for you no stupid shitty third rate scammy extension like uyou made
you shoudl eb ashamed oif yuourself for taking a good srvice, ignoring what they did, and making a terriblke serrvice
fuck you man @algocoder made a good ervice
your just a greedy fuck u wanted to make aname for yoruself instead of asking the true king tor eturn and give us what we needed
fuck u for ur shitty software man i cants tand peopelk like u