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RE: Post whatever you want, but expect to be mercilessly mocked for it

in #altright6 years ago

I would appreciate if you would please stop with the strawman stuff. You keep saying "crying" and "that I hate people" and that "I am alt right" and "a neckbeard".

I am here to post some memes every now and then and everything I answer back seems to make you hate me more or someting.

For the final time, I am not alt right or nazi. Freedom and liberty from dictators is a good thing. Nobody should control anyone else.

You are asking me a lot of personal questions and acting hostile towards me for an unknown reason(other than you say to mock me), so you can understand why I don't particuarly enjoy talking with you. This is turning into some weird alt right witch hunt or something and you are convinced I need to be burned.


OK seriously, explain what you mean by keeping the USA American and what you mean by there will be no normal.

All I can go on is images you posted and words you wrote. Help me understand.