Steemit OpenMic Week 99: "Synchronous Shots" (Original Song About Vegas Shooting False Flag)

in #alternativerock7 years ago (edited)

An acoustic demo of a song I wrote about how the Vegas shooting was an inside job to either continue to push the anti-gun narrative or to continue pushing it in such a way that tensions are further escalated on either side, thus inevitably resulting in civil war for the purposes of population control. Originally recorded October 2017 and uploaded to YouTube and BitChute but thought it was appropriate for this open mic thing so re uploaded here.

Here's the YouTube:

"Synchronous Shots" lyrics:

shots consumed

one shooter, two shooters, three shooters

minds in a drunken haze

glued to the stage

shots fired

one shooter, two shooters, three shooters

it was a false flag, it was black ops

Aztecs in suits and ties, agents

prepare the sacrifice, fresh souls

in front of pyramid, Vegas

your hub of freedom is a surveillance state

with missing tapes

you think its all random, you're wrong

everything is synchronous, there are no coincidences

they state what will happen, in code

your hub of freedom is a surveillance state

with missing tapes

division division

calculated mathematicians

trained in Mk ultra schisms

and misdirection

every time a shooting happens

the left pushes gun control

the right buys more guns than ever

the conflict it escalates

so many layers, so many layers

thirty years after Barry Seal, reveal

the CIA hints that they funded his operation

the shooter in Las Vegas, Sealesque

everything is synchronous, there are no coincidences

Dougie in a zombie trance, unaware

that his hub of freedom is a surveillance state

they're watching him and he is us

the left pushes the right

the right pushes the left

propagandists fuel the fire (repeat)

civil war equals population control (repeat)



Record label: Telestic Records

Video sites

Music Soundclouds:
Xylen Roberts (solo singer/rapper/songwriter/production project)
Mythshifter (instrumentals)

<hr><a href='!/v/xylenroberts/a2g6koiq'> ▶️ DTube</a><br /><a href=''> ▶️ IPFS</a>

There was NO SHOOTER at Vegas and NO SHOOTER at Parkland, fake bullshit. The "gunshots" came from the speakers at Vegas and the FBI were shooting blanks at parkland.