
You definately get used to not having the shower. I remember we had a big trough and I'd boil water on the stockpot on the stove for a bath - the kid first, then me, then hubby and then swish out the door. Loved bath night.

Sounds so much fun too, i want a big trough now!!
I remember now in Devon on a friends piece of land there used to be a huge cast iron bath set just on its own outside just a little way down from a spring, to use it one connected the hose from the spring, filled it with water, light a fire underneath.
You had to guage it so the embers were just starting to cool when the water was hot. It was the only bath ive been in that had such a magnificent view under the stars at night, and the bonus was it got hotter the longer you were in there 😊

Right... watch this space... I have a bath story for you!!!

I'm disabled. But it's still my dream to find what I call a SmartV to live out of. I currently have an old Toyota Previa Van and I know there's a whole conversion movement for them but it would take a ton of work, most of which I'm not capable of. 😕. Her name's old lady. 2018-02-12-18-43-35.jpg

Great name "Old Lady" bless her and all who sail in her too 😊
Wishing you many wonderful adventures in her @luanne

Ty! I am quite fond of her! Just wish she was in better shape,!