in #alternative7 years ago (edited)


Be Independently Healthy!

SP reduced herb vs med.jpgAccording to the FDA’s legal definition, only a DRUG “diagnoses, cures, mitigates, treats, or prevents a disease.”
As many of us know, the problem with this definition is that there are numerous substances, as readily available in our spice racks, which have been proven by countless millennia of human experience to mitigate, prevent and in some cases cure disease, which cannot be called drugs according to the FDA. According to the law, they cannot be marketed as cures even if they may actually do cure.

Historically the FDA has required new drugs to undergo expensive and elaborate multi-phased clinical trials, which are out of the grasp of any ordinary interest group who might want to demonstrate the efficacy of a non-patentable (and therefore unprofitable) herb, mineral, food or spice.
The average out-of-pocket cost for obtaining a new drug approval is over 800 million dollars. The investor actually has a legally-binding fiduciary responsibility to its shareholders to make a profit. Therefore, capital will not flow into any would-be commodity that can be produced or obtained with ease, including most things that grow freely on this Earth.

Shortly after the Declaration of Independence, Congress declared that natural substances, e.g. water or salt, were God’s gift to mankind and that therefore products of nature should be limited in their patent protection. While this was a noble declaration, it has actually been used against those whose rights it would protect. It has forced private interests to synthetically alter natural substances for the sole reason that it guarantees them ownership/patent rights.
In fact, a medical system that legally requires it make a profit, threatens to destroy and/or incriminate itself, if non-patented, non-profitable natural substances or therapies are employed.
As a result, instead of choosing prospective medicines logically: because they work, are easily accessible, and safe, billions of dollars flow in the exact opposite direction, capitalizing only those substances which are unnatural, and therefore while proprietary are almost invariably unsafe, and whose access and administration can be intensively controlled. SP independent health.jpg
According to Expert Author Albert Milligan:
Pharmaceutical companies are in the business to make money. These corporations are designed to manufacture drugs and pharmaceuticals for the medical industry and it's consumers in order to create profit. The profit derived from their products is a result of patents that allow each company to monopolize the market for their drug for a given period of time. This means that drug companies create products that they wish to sell, in large quantities, to the public in order to gain as much profit as possible within the window of the patent. As discussed in the book by Kevin Trudeau, Natural Cures, ( pharmaceutical companies will go to any lengths in order to produce profit for their business. Since pharmaceutical industries cannot patent natural remedies or cures, they have no need to educate the public on this topic. No large industry can profit from natural cures and, since pharmaceutical companies are designed around profit, they will hide information from the public regarding cheap effective alternatives to their product.
The FDA has no means to regulate natural products that occur in nature and can therefore not determine their quality or consistency in the marketplace. As a result, the FDA only approves pharmaceuticals as treatments or cures for disease. This means that the FDA manages to protect the profits of the drug companies while preventing the consumer from gaining access to cheap, effective natural cures. Furthermore, since only drugs are approved for medical treatment, doctors are only educated and taught about pharmaceuticals, leaving little or no room for alternative remedies and cures to diseases. The cycle continues with the drug companies continuing to use their profits to grow their market for their product through commercials and pharmaceutical representatives, creating an even higher demand while suppressing all information for alternative medicine. Drug companies run on money and there is no money in natural cures.
Both the FDA and pharmaceutical companies are interested in controlling lab-created drugs, ignoring and suppressing the benefits of natural remedies. Natural Cures explains in detail the umbrella conditions created by these industries in order to control the medical industry, drug company profits, and prevent natural remedies and cures from entering the marketplace.
Albert Milligan, is a writer and editor of internet articles. If you would like to find out more about the FDA, drug companies and natural cures visit [] Article Source:
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