How To Mine Merit

First you need an invite to get involved. You can use my user for invite i can approve it soon. It is “chrono”.

Now how to mine Merit coin?
Download Merit miner for nvidia
Make sure to have drivers updated for your gpu card and also make sure to download the latest CUDA driver as well.
and make your .bat file.
Merit coin .bat file example:
merit-minerd.exe --url stratum+tcp:// --address chrono --gpu 0 --cores 0
You can check your workers status by finding your username here:
Merit coin hashrate, Merit coin mining performance
GTX 1080 Ti – 0.32 cycles / s
GTX 1080 – 0.27 cycles / s
GTX 1070 Ti – 0.25 cycles / s
GTX 1070 – 0.24 cycles / s
GTX 1060 – 0.18 cycles / s
Merit coin Mining Profitability
Merit coin does have an exchange Market now, Merit coin price is today 7K-10K satoshi (0.000060 BTC – $.50)
You can use Merit coin calculator to see your profit here:
– 33.671 MRT / day / 7x GTX 1080Ti mining Rig by daily
– 30.42 MRT / day / 7x GTX 1080 mining Rig by daily
– 28.307 MRT / day / 7x GTX 1070 Rig by daily
Some information on Merit
Merit coin Official Web Page:
Merit coin Mining Pool:
Merit coin Exchange Market: https://market.merit.meMerit coin Miners: (Nvidia only)
Merit coin Algo: cuckoo cycle
Merit coin Difficulty: 25,000 (block 283534)
Merit Wallet:
There 2 kind of wallets for Merit; Web Wallet and Desktop wallet.
– For Web wallet:
– Desktop Wallet:
P6000 Merit Cloud Miner (Testing Purposes only)

You have probably already heard of Merit the coin. I wanted to go a bit crazy and set up a Paperspace You can test it out as well if you'd like I will send you $5 credit by using that link.
Lets begin, First create a paperspace machine I used Windows 10 server and once its done propagating you want to download and install the P6000 Driver plus the new CUDA driver or else the mining software will not be able to locate your card.
- Once that is complete you can download the Direct Windows Link:
Make sure you change the address to your alias.
Once you done save the file as Start.bat or what ever you want but make sure you add .bat this creates it into a bat file so it can run the .exe miner.
You should than be mining.
This is a test to see how much it can make in a 24 hours period it is super expensive at $.90 an hour or $390 a month.
Reason this is a nice little test. You are essentially mining Merit on the cloud.
btw you can do this with any coin reason I am testing it with this coin is its fairly new and the difficulty is not spiked ...yet.
Current Graphs and results
The numbers are depressing I am getting these numbers with my 1070Ti, Still will tread on.
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Lol I clicked on this thinking it was bitcointalk merit lol, anyway nice piece I’m gona read up more on this. Following you now , please follow me