Altcoin social news alert — December 12th, 2017, 01:10

Bitcoin futures trading fuels the bitcoin rate to $17000
The Chicago-based exchange Cboe has started trading futures for bitcoin. The rate of the cryptocurrency soared to $17,000 after falling to $13,000 at the weekend.
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Further Bitcoin Cash Developments To Improve Scalability Of Cryptocurrency
ViaBTC to feature Bitcoin Cash only pairs on crypto exchange Chinese Bitcoin mining pool and crypto currency exchange ViaBTC has announced that it will only allow crypto currency trading to be trad…
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TheNextAltcoin on Twitter
“The Blockchain Token Velocity Problem news altcoin bitcoin”
➞ Read full story (Source: Twitter )

CoinPulse - AltCoin Cryptocurrency trading Chart list ranking
CoinPulse - AltCoin Cryptocurrency trading Chart list ranking
➞ Read full story (Source: Coinpulse )

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