Altcoin social news alert — December 11th, 2017, 11:40

Bitcoin Lovers on Twitter
“LongLeo: Dear mother of order books! The $GCR is going to be one of the best December rides!for $GCR coin HODLbitcoin token erc20 icoalts altcoin crypto $btc $ltc $eth $neo $ada $xmr $grs $bat $ion $etc $sys $xml $iota $xvg $vtc $via $eos $dgb $kmd $xem $sc $eos $bay”
➞ Read full story (Source: Twitter )

Augusta on Twitter
“Cryptopoly Sigh. We need a cheerleader who bought into a scheme, sold, even at a loss, then bought a well-researched altcoin that mooned.”
➞ Read full story (Source: Twitter )

A blockchain platform for effective freelancing and secure peer-to-peer exchanges.
➞ Read full story (Source: Coinlancer )

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