Trading Crypto alt coins is like playing the game Wack a Mole
Each time I position my assets to take advantage of a rally or two some other coins that I wasn't paying attention to rocket up a few hundred percent. Fuck! Is all I can say. To bad I don't have a time machine. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I not giving up though not yet anyway. Hopefully I'll learn enough from my mistakes to start making some real profits!
I know the feeling, I'm a horrible 'trader'. I decided in the end the best way for me was to just research coins that I like, and buy them for a long term hold...
I've come to the same. I am now packing cheap coins into wallets and forgetting about then. Burst is one such and Stellar is another. I am putting in very low buy orders and just waiting until they complete. No more buying high trying to jump on the band's wagon!
Lol. Now Ethereum is at $180... Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!