**Do you still think supplements are good for you ?? Then listen closely**

in #allopathic7 years ago (edited)

Is your supplements closet starting to look like this picture ? Because you are trying to heal and manage your immune disease symptoms , and you think the more you spend ... the better your health will be ? If the answer is yes then I have some shocking news for you ....

Here is the thing ; What if I told you we all have been fooled by the holisitc industry !
The holistic industry or as you might have heard it " integrative medicine " or "Alternative medicine " has grown in popularity and is used by a significant percentage of the population in many countries. While it has extensively re-branded itself: from quackery to complementary or integrative medicine – it promotes essentially the same practices as the allopathic industry with their conventional medicine ( drugs ).
Those two only manage symptoms and don't get to the root cause of the health issue .
They have been working together with an evil company "Biotech " ( more on them later ) under one umbrella .
All trying to get their share of the market .

Listen closely ... all herbs , supplements , pills , powders and shakes have an antibiotic effect on your gut and kill of the gut flora . They also prevent you from doing any fast cell regeneration thus keeping you sick and always keeps you depended on their products . Which is kinda genius for such a billion dollar market to make sure the customer stays sick and returns every month for their precious overpriced supplements . This mainstream brainwash is very evil and needs to stop ! It's ruining humanity's health and peoples lives . I've been in the same brainwash trap for at least 3 years spending around 500$ every month managing my immune disease symptoms . Eczema , histamine intolerance , itchy skin and hives , brainfog and many other ones . Jillian my mentor saved me from this and I owe her my life .

A good example I've heard from her is " If you jump into a vat full of garlic oil ... then your skin would burn off and you die " ! Hey wait a minute Kevin ...Wasn't garlic oil good for fighting diseases , microbe viruses and parasites ???
Sure they will help your symptoms for a little while , flushing out and killing some candida or parasites out of the body . But in the meantime destroying the good guys as well !

So what can you do instead of taking supplements then ?

Simple ; It's called the JJ ( Jillian Juice ) I invented the name btw . I called it JJ in one of my first posts in her group while I was still a beginner , and it catched on pretty quickly ( I'm so proud of myself ) LOL .
Jillian Mai Thi my mentor and now my true friend , invented the whole protocol in case you didn't know .
She is the founder of this soon to be legend.... wait for it ....
still waiting ....
Legendary drink !!!
The fermented cabbage or kale drink that reverses all of peoples symptoms and diseases from A to Z .

The JJ ; A fermented drink with cabbage or kale , good salt ( Himalayan or Celtic ) , filtered water .
The recipe will be my next article .
The diet ; To keep it short , focus on eating whole foods . Something you can pick from a tree like fruits , pluck out of the ground like veggies and potatoes , healthy fats like avocados and coconut oil , chicken for the carnivores ( even though you will loose the taste for meat after a few weeks ) ...
potatoes are also allowed on the diet ( even though it feeds candida) , you will heal in spite of it with her drink .
Jillian knows how hard it is for most people to get off those foods , so that's her gift to us .
Yes this is probably the coolest diet you will ever be on , because it's very diverse .

What can you expect from this channel ?
I will take you by your puppy scruff and shake you up a little , waking you up slowly from The Matrix and all the brainwash that has been done to us .
I've done weeks of brainwash reversal training by her and i'm about to do the same with you , if you have an open mind that is . All the her files are free in her fb group , but be warned it will take you weeks to understand the whole protocol . Don't worry , i'm here to speed up that process .

I will go in greater detail in other articles .
For now JJ ON !!

I will be releasing a shit ton of articles like this exposing industries , waking you up from the Matrix by showing you how brainwashed we really are on every level , explaining you Jillian Mai Thi her protocol in detail , telling you how to reverse your immune disease and all symptoms from A to Z and many other things ...
