If you never had Alligator tail before, what are you living for?

in #alligator8 years ago (edited)

Living down here in Florida I get to try a lot of different and exotic foods. But one of my favorite is something than can be caught right in your back yard if you live in the sunshine state. The first time I have Alligator tail I fell in love with in. It has a texture of a slightly chewier chicken nugget but with a hint of fresh water taste. But I must say it has to be cooked right in order to enjoy this wonderful and delicious meat. 

I have had the pleasure of eating wild caught gator and farm raised and the 2 taste totally different from eat other. Wild caught gator tail meat has to be cured and marinated well to take the game taste out of it. And what I mean by game taste is that it taste like the freshwater and plants and sunken trees that it lives in and can really ruin our experience if it isn't prepared right. When I was younger my dad brung home a whole gator, skinned, with out the head and entrails and ready to cut up and eat. My dad didn't let any of the gator go to waste, he even barbecued the ribs but I really didn't like how it taste and told him it was a failed experiment. The rest of the meat like the tail which is the main part to eat on the gator was cut up in cubes and marinated in buttermilk for 2 days. Even the we let it sit in the marinade it still had that everglades taste to it but was still surprisingly good.

Poor Alligator ran into some poachers that took his tail and released him back in the water. FYI this is not the way to do it. You need to be permitted to hunt Alligators and only during certain times of the year here in Florida.

Here a quick video of how the Alligator is Prepared for cooking....


I love me some alligator. Used to eat it more in New Orleans. I guess we've got some in southern Arkansas, so hopefully I can go hunt some sometime. Thanks for another great post @jiganomics!

I must admit, coming from the UK i've never had Alligator but damn that meal looks tasty!