The hitherto Untold Story of Mankind’s Ultimatum: Read Before its CensoredsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #alien8 years ago

the deep state.JPGThis information is taken from a deep state relative's diary which will remain anonymous for security reasons, dated July, 1979.

Have you wondered why seemingly illogical actions of our government continue to unfold, and as we look more closely begin to see a pattern of events which could lead to the conclusion that a planned agenda is actually taking place.

It all began centuries ago, and far too much information to cover here, so I’ll cut to the chase.heirographics.JPG

Speaking predominately from the perspective of an American, our government has displayed continued secrecy in a number of areas. We can begin with Roswell, NM 1947.roswell newspaper.JPG

Our initial publicly acknowledged contact with off world beings. It actually dates far before this, but the public version is then. This lead to speculation of Alien agreements in a variety of sorts, whereby we transfer people and resources for what they have for military advancement.US alien agreement.JPG

Here’s what they’re not telling you.

The heads of State have been given an ultimatum. The source of this information is derived from the “Seer” who reads the “universal consciousness” of all life forms, and has access to any time period in our human development and history.

The ultimatum is simple, bring the population of Earth under total control within a specific time period (which I believe is 100 years) or they (meaning a combination of 2-3 Alien civilizations) will take control of the Earth.alien invasion.JPG

While any logical thinker will clearly dismiss this as pure speculation and ungrounded in any factual evidence, they also said that about the atom before developing the microscope capable of seeing the atom.

Mankind is now in the process of using “stargates” for inner-dimensional travel, along with other advanced scientific developments. We are finding that we are the “new kid” on this block and like any form of life seeking survival.stargates.JPG

How does all of this relate to you? When the clock strikes 12 will mankind be ready, or are there other forces at play here beyond our control?The Cross.JPG