[Case #01] HEALING PERFORMED BY ALIENS. [Zeta Reticulans A.K.A 'The Grays']

in #alien8 years ago

Successful healing of different ailments was accomplished
by beings of the extraterrestrial Zeta race, performed in
collaboration with the medium, Paul Hamden. The Zetas explained
the interactions between the physical and etheric bodies, their
relation to consciousness, and the processes involved in health and
healing. The physical human body is structured according to an
etheric body blueprint. The blueprint is based on the predetermined
form for a body of the human race, modified according to the
genome of the particular individual. Consciousness recognizes when
healing is required, and begins the healing process by
communicating the etheric blueprint information to the physical
body. The communication appears to involve a quantum process. In
one case of healing, the Zeta indicated that they changed the energy
of the etheric body and instructed the consciousness to heal the
physical body.


As expressed by a Zeta, “You have a subtle energetic body. This
holds all thoughts and frequencies that allow you to accomplish all
levels. For us, all illness is energy, all wellness is the same energy at
a different resonation. We have proved this many times when the
medium is unwell and we come and bring a different vibration to the medium. The medium then becomes well.”

In the first case, they describe their methodology in more detail. The
general approach discussed there may be applicable to the other
cases, and the Zeta’s comments are instructive.


In this case, an elderly man had asked the medium if the Zeta would
heal his nose which had precancerous skin cells known as actinic


This problem had persisted following an earlier treatment
with cryotherapy. The healing was performed by the Zeta during a
sitting with the medium. The healing process itself appeared to last
for a period of 1 min 26 sec when no words were spoken. After it
was finished, the Zeta discussed what had occurred.

"There has been an attempt to redefine the etheric energy around
your facial area to see if any potential is applied to the abnormal
cellular structure. If we have had any success, it will be within three
days. If not, we will try again."

"The problem with cellular changes in the physical form are that the body is self-programmed to provide these potentials within the
framework of its existence. It is a natural response to provide the
abnormal cellular structure. The body perceives that it is doing its

"We have instructed the consciousness of the etheric body in the
facial area to reverse the cellular changes. But of course from the
physical side, there will be potentials applied to the etheric changes. You, as consciousness, are in the middle and are also responsible for being of a receiving nature, to tell your body that it is appropriate to heal."

In other words, the etheric energy around the affected area had been
adjusted, and it would take time for the physical cells to return to
normal. These etheric changes would be actively resisted by the
abnormal physical energy. To help overcome this resistance, the
local consciousness was directed to assist the healing process and
reverse the abnormalities.

The man was advised to assist the process by meditating on the body
as it was before the appearance of the abnormality. When asked what strategy to adopt, the Zeta replied, “What was your cellular structure before the abnormal cellular structure? You need to be in that state where you are prior to the cellular structure.” So at times in the following days, the man visualized his body at a much younger age, and imagined his current self merging with that healthier physical form.

-Excerpt from the book 'A primer of the zeta race'