Today's Weed News for June 14th 2018 #ALASKA

in #alaska6 years ago


For today's weed news we go to the great state of Alaska.

In a recent meeting with cannabis industry representatives and regulators, the director of the Alcohol and Marijuana Control Office of Alaska, Erica McConnell, has just proposed a new way of taxing cannabis products in the state.

According to the THC content.

Brandon Emmett, one of the board members and part of the Alaska Cannabis industry, said that the idea was new to him but that it was probably a better idea then the current tax.

Apparently, most cannabis entrepreneurs in Alaska are very unhappy with the $50 an ounce tax on buds and $15 per ounce tax on the rest of the cannabis plant.

Emmett, who himself was a big part of the 2014 campaign that brought recreational weed to Alaska said that "We need something that works for the people and for the state".

Alaska State Tax Division Director Ken Alper released a statement saying that if the industry representatives can come to a consensus and present that to the tax division, that they would be open to working with it.

Alper did however remind people that the Department of Revenue does not have full authority in such cases and that the state legislature would ultimately be the one to decide on any major changes to the tax laws.

It seems to me that after a couple years, they are starting to notice some weak points of their original recreational cannabis law out there in Alaska. And that's a very good thing.

I think that's the way that everything works. You do something and then after a while you look at it and make sure that you're getting the desired results. And if you're not, you make adjustments, right?

It's definitely a good sign that they're holding meetings and having informed discussions between state representatives as well as people working in the cannabis industry. I'm sure that sooner or later they'll find some middle-ground that will be better for everyone involved.

And that's what's up in Alaska.


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