You Have to Know me..

in #airhawk-project7 years ago (edited)


Hmm, did you learn for tomorrow? "
"Learning what?"
"You do not know what? Tomorrow there will be math repeat loh? I've been studying overnight. Yesterday I've also learned. "
"Do you have to learn? Have you learned how many times? "
"3 times from a few days ago."
"I'm going to study tonight."

Jeje will face a math test tomorrow. He has not learned at all. His mind was still filled with the sense of wanting to play the new puzzle given by his uncle from Bogor. The puzzle was very interesting. Jeje really likes a thick challenge to the game of logic. But he himself was known lazy by his parents in terms of lessons. "Ahh, the daily repeat doang. Do not be too thoughtful, "he grumbled. Tonight Jeje is preoccupied with a bunch of annoying mathematical formulas. He has to play sweat considering there is no preparation for repeat tomorrow. He does not usually eat at seven-thirty.

BUUKK ... BUUKK ....
Books falling on his desk. It was clear from her mother's room.
"Jeje, you really tumben to learn early?" Mother asked.
"Tomorrow there's a mathematics repeat Mom. I have not learned from yesterday. "
Mother already knows exactly the habits of his son who always use the system racing overnight. Tomorrow's test, tonight is just learning. Her mother has repeatedly commemorated Jeje not to get accustomed to racing last night. However, Jeje does not care. The important thing is learning, and it can be good value. Immediately.

This morning Jeje was accompanied by haggard eyes and a sore neck for studying hard all night. A neat uniform but a rather strange look reappeared. It is said strange because the size of the uniform that he wore did not sync with the size of his body that seemed petite. Almost every day her class is made to wonder with Jeje.
"God is just fair. I've been studying hard. So I deserve dong can be good value. At least my sense of laziness is lost in the clouds, "
"Yes, I understand. But, think about how you try to learn? "Fiko replied.
"Fiko, I've been studying all night. Is it still lacking? Did not I comply with your suggestion to add a reference book? Less what else? "
"Someday you'll understand," Fiko said with a smile.

Mathematical repetition takes place. All the students looked quiet, not to mention Pak Yasir. The calm yet most feared figure of watching a class exam. The sound of coughs and the like just made him suspicious. So also with the sound of pen fell. Stature of his face may still look calm. But when he had taken steps to get around the classroom, the hearts of the students began to accelerate rapidly. "Yesterday in the next class, it happened. Some were caught in whispers. Immediately I make a zero in the value book. I hope this class is not the next one, "said Pak Yasir while justifying his pocket. "Crazy! Whispering voice he can still hear? "Jeje muttered to himself. He began to calm down.

"How's Je? Exciting is not a repeat of today's edition? "
"Hmm, do you think?"
"Oh yes, this is for the first time Pak Yasir made a matter of multiple choice. See, you can do it?"
"Well look at it later," Jeje replied lazily.

Jeje enjoys a puzzle game while accompanied by Fiko. His hands are so shrewd. His fingers are very graceful to dance with puzzles. The view of the afternoon sky makes it a bit quiet from the load of math. Especially on the edge of the lake that became their subscription in leisure time. The orange sunlight became her favorite. Jeje includes orange lover. Seen from the dominant color he most often use.

"Do you think it's easy to organize this puzzle?"
"I've never touched a puzzle, much less tinkering with it. How the hell are you, "Fiko replied with a short smile. "So learn dong, hehehe," joked Jeje.
"Fiko, what's my math score anyway?"
"Do you think? When did you do it easy? "

"His name just math, it takes a thin brain to do it," said Jeje slightly annoyed.
"I think it's pretty good. Because I've learned. Eh moment, emang in solving the puzzle you feel your brain is not dilute? "
"Simple really your answer? Emang strategy must learn? "Jeje tried to divert the conversation.
"Right now I can only explain to you that you must learn! Anyway, if I explain it at length, your expression is not like that direction. Pretz. One more thing, I learned from last week, I did not learn that night. I play the game. Because I do not want to waste a lot of energy before the war, "
"Oh, look at the value later."

Today the repeat value is announced. Fiko achieved the highest score of 97.5. Not a new thing because Fiko is known to be the most master in mathematics in his class, even all over his high school. Mathematical repetition this time is made in such a way that the students other than prosecuted formula, must also use logic. The value that touches the 90's number there are only four people. Jeje again had to be fooled by his guess. He feels working on the problem with the multiple-choice type is the most difficult. It's the umpteenth defeat. Number 40 is neat on the answer sheet she receives. The line of numbers he wrote sweetly tasted like paper ready to burn. His writing is meaningless. It was as if the sweaty effort of the night was only a mere scenario. Nothing in the least. It feels like Jeje wants to cry.

"Have you seen the results of your efforts?" Asked Fiko.
Jeje paused. He did not answer. Her mind was filled with the feeling of wanting to cry.
"So do you want to repeat it again?"
Jeje just silent. But he shook his head a little.
"Then what's your next dream?"
"I'm sorry Fiko, I was wrong. But I tried. I want to be better, "Jeje replied with sorrowful face. Occasionally he wiped his eyes a little water out.
"I was wrong. I do not follow your advice, and I'm useless, "he added.

Fiko took a deep breath. "I honestly sympathize with you. I can not bear to see you always get a disappointing value. Your days at school really look happy. Your days at home also look happy. But, when the exam comes, the smile you usually always pour on others, as if lost in the wind of misfortune. Why are you always unlucky during the test, test, and every test. Did your parents not justify all your faults? Do not they care anymore? Or do you always ignore everything from them? You are my friend, my best friend. Even I think like my own brother. Do not you realize it? "Jeje's tears fell. Her face was wet. All the words that came out of Fiko seemed to dwell deep in the recesses of his heart to melt. "Yes I am wrong. I really do not understand what else, "Jeje's usual surrender words flowed too from his lips.

Yeah, values have you get it none are negligible. including the value of a bad in the eyes of anyone. with the error can be a experience for you. with errors may be you will regret. said the proverbial it sorry no useful. is it true, because regret not going to reverse the state. However, the importance of regret although only speck of tiny is that's when you are aware, your heart still works when you have been aware if the error has been done. with regret you will promise not to repeat. it's just the pain of regret is always there at the end of the trip. but make sure by you that it's not the last. opportunity and opportunities there are still in front of your way. you will see him if you sure you want. "" I understand what you should fix it. I mengeri you are wrong. but, it all depends on how to respond. I appreciate toil payahmu. although it is still wrong. all need process. here I don't want to find your fault, but I just want to find what became kelebihanmu and it should you develop so that the future much better as expected. you have to deploy the entire tenagamu. in the test before, nilaimu can 20. and this exam, nilaimu rose to 40. this is not the irony. but this progress is apparent plastered of yourself. Moreover, don't you cheat. you had better. and remember! do not call yourself useless! while you have the opportunity breathe peaceful life in the world, you still useful. all of your work will wait. all tenagamu will still needed, " fiko continue the story," consciousness is talking myself if what has always been a kebiasaanmu can be a money valuable in time later. you smart play puzzle. while I was not at all understand it. you have enough agile with hand danced beautiful on the sidelines puzzle so drain energy brain. I understand you initially not understand anything from puzzle that. but strategimu always you embed the you always get used to practice, practice, and practice so slowly hand familiar with the puzzle. you talented. try apply in belajarmu. and do not again say if you no hope. I already see in social media have you. and avoid words that lead to condemn yourself. believe me! "jeje realize what was said to be fiko true. he regret the habit of the learning always wait. he also understand his folly in applying system kebut overnight completely ineffective. it's just the recognition of honesty against himself still need to built. he's already know what has been said fiko when all the advantages in himself had developed again as lelakon her that constantly trying to get a new things without know backwards. during this jeje only considers himself doll always be pampered and puppet always follow what his world want. he began moved after aware of the importance of yourself for life. even parents jeje been said that his always wanted to be pampered and looks has no talent anything until jeje assume that all the dream in his mind is just scenario mere. but the post-chat valuable fiko that has been explained if he still has a lot of opportunity and opportunities to wrest his world of the grip of the outside world so kill. everything there must be a good and bad. but, take just what good. do not wasted. everything will be useful. depending on how we manage. this time jeje no longer embed the concept of learning instant moment the point only target value and want a flood of praise. learning is the process, not the key shortcut. jeje don't criminate himself always busy with puzzle game for him seductive and according to his mother will robs time learning, even he will continue to train the mind and apply it in the learn academic at school. he will use the concept of play puzzle learn continuous regardless of the end result, but it just what should he obtained from the rules of this. him, play puzzle similarly by look for the truth. he will continue to practice and find that puzzle that can be in the brain-atik properly course with a variety of ways to not boring. fiko admit talent jeje. jeje promised himself. his life is not for only catch all a desire in itself, but to find who himself and for what he actually. if jeje must berprinsif his life to pursue all his desire, it's too early and almost impossible. because of all that desire must come from himself. herself alone could not he met, what about the desire? build yourself...