Ways To Earn Money From Brave Browser

in #airdrop6 years ago (edited)

Brave Reward Platform where the user can earn bat token in different ways according to their Skill or priority. this is a marketing platform which they are using to spread the awareness & to reach the billions of user to making this browser successful.

Let Briefly discuss the Ways & method to earn money from brave

Brave Airdrop:

Airdrop Means the Free Money this is the most trending way to promote the cryptocurrency many of the crypto ico & old listed coin like XLM are offering people to get their token by just doing some simple steps

These are the Following:

But What they are Demanding from you to get this 5$ airdrop?

Brave Pays you to just install and use their browser for the 30 days of time period then automatically wallet will be updated with 5$ of Bat token every month.

This Offer was valid for Desktop user before now its only available for android user.

Brave Ceo Claims that every user can earn 70$ Free Yearly using their Browser.

That’s Something huge !!
Get Free Bat Coin On Desktop: Follow these simple steps

Install Brave Browser

Join the BAT Wallet

Get Free Bat Coins On Brave Android Version:

Just Go to Google Play Store

Install Brave Browser
Join the BAT Wallet

Brave Publisher Or Affiliate Program:

If You are Blogger or youtube or you have twitch tv channel & you have Digital Marketing skills

you don’t need to worry about the monetization. You can earn money even gaming if you have twitch tv channel.

There are many alternative monetization platforms like Google Adsense, taboola, Maxbounty & a lot more but this is much different from them. Where a newbie can take a part of in bat publisher platform Earn some extra money From their audience.

Brave Or BAT Payment Terms

Criteria :

Referred must use this browser for 30 days then Download will appear as Confirmed (Payable)

Monthly Earning will be Deposited @ 8th of next month

All earned BAT TOken will transfer to Uphold account.

Coins will automatically convert to the USD $ when it sends to your uphold account

How to Withdraw BAT Token To uphold account :

Uphold is new launched Virtual Bank, Powers you to send/receive & Store your Money safely in various currencies like USD, bitcoin, EURO it’s same like PayPal or Webmoney further they are providing you virtual Debit Card.

You must have to attach uphold account to withdraw bat token
your uphold should be verified through an identity card or driving license

Fill Your Personal Information
Upload id card & clear image
you can attach any of your bank account and withdraw these $ directly in local currency.

How To Promote Brave Referral Link

There are Several Marketing Ways on the internet to promote the services or product Some are free method Like, Social Media, Forums, Blog Commenting, making youtube videos you can choose according to your knowledge skill & experience.

What Method I recommend to Promote A Referal Link:

Google Ads:

You can run a PPC campaign on google ads on a specific keyword related to the software & when someone will search about your targeted keyword ads will appear in search engine.

you can get quality downloads from search engine.

Google ads charge as pay per click all you need to set the auto bidding option & rest google will do.


its Advance Level Promotional Method if you have proper skill or knowledge about SEO then you can choose search engine optimization to get downloads and install.

Here I can’t Share SEO Method because its a Vast Chapter & Lengthy Process.

Youtube :

No Hide From My Lovely User currently I promoting this referral through my youtube videos as I created the brave browser review in which I share a detailed guide about it where I have given my download link as People Download from there.

Offline Promotion :

it’s easy anybody can do this job. Like offline Marketing needs no Special Skill.

You can Recommend your Friend Colleague, family member to download and install this browser further you can convince with mouth worth words to use it.

Because it has all the qualities to become the better replacement to the google chrome, Mozilla Firefox or any other Popular browser

Brave Ads:

Brave Ads is an advertising network just like google ads where advertisers pay to the network to Promote product/services & Network give that promotion to their publisher or affiliate So that’s Network Plays role or middleman or broker who helps both of them & Keep its commission

Same as Brave ads will allow the advertiser to run CPM (cost per 1000 impressions) user will watch these ads to earn money or bat with brave ads

How TO Join & Earn From Brave Ads

  • Download Browser :
  • Click on Triangle Button
  • Join brave reward to create a bat wallet
  • enable ads button
  • Set the Frequency that how many ads you wanna see per hour
  • Push Notification Ads Will Be Appear according to your Defined setting
  • Start Earning