Digest of the best AIRDROP for 8.09.2018

in #airdrop7 years ago


Digest of the best AIRDROP for 8.09.2018
  1. 1000 TKX (~ $ 100). We register https://bit.ly/2NVPO9t and confirm the mail. We perform tasks and specify the data.
  2. GAEA (for the bounty pay ETH). We register https://bit.ly/2Nu29EM and perform tasks.
  3. ABCC (for the bounty pay ETH). We register https://bit.ly/2vq0g0T and perform tasks. The withdrawal will be available in 5 days on the exchange https://bit.ly/2Q9QlGm
  4. 1400 MAKE. We are added to the bot https://t.me/MakeTokenAirdropBot?start=408045676, we perform tasks and specify the data.

XXX. Sites with the best AIRDROP: https://bit.ly/2JQ6gWn, https://bit.ly/2HW3T84, https://bit.ly/2IsApOl, https://bit.ly/2MX15FA, https: // bit .ly / 2raA5JB
Site with the best BOUNTY: https://bountyhive.io/r/evdokimova

In order not to wait for this dive, and see the list of all AIRDROP immediately, subscribe to the telegram channel. If there are any questions about AIRDROP, write to the group.

◆◆◆ TELEGRAM CHANNEL ON AIRDROP (without spam and unnecessary correspondence, only the full AIRDROP list without repetitions, in English): https://t.me/AirdropCryptoFREEEE
◆◆◆ OPERATIONAL TELEGRAMMA GROUP ON AIRDROP (where you can ask questions): https://t.me/joinchat/IEJmGQ-LRf-c1e4fLQwcYg
◆◆◆ TELEGRAM CHANNEL ON AIRDROP (without spam and unnecessary correspondence, only the full list of AIRDROP without repetitions, in Russian): https://t.me/CryptoFREEEE

Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/2123541534527522/
Page https://twitter.com/elenaevdokimov0

@ maxx40