How to Stack Airdrops and Airdrop Points to Max Your Captial

in #airdrop6 months ago

If you have a vessel you could borrow grai on linea to get lxp-l and gravitas marks then bridge the grai to arbitrum and swap for kelp dao staked ETH deposit on radiant get 10% in radiant and 3x kelp miles and Eigen layer points then borrow weth for 3% or so from the RIZ vault and swap that to eth then bridge to scroll deposit on aave to earn scroll marks and put it in e mode to borrow the max amount of ETH swap it to one of the liquid staked ETH tokens accepted on RHO to get additional points while also accumulating RHO points for that airdrop as well as additional scroll marks. Then you borrow eth from RHO and deposit that into agETHs vault to earn about 6 different airdrops at once while receiving agETH which gives you 3% in yield but i believe costs 2% per year so you only net 1% on it but you get exposure to the 6 extra airdrops as well as agETH which you can swap to eth and bridge back to arbitrium's and swap to usdc deposit on aave and borrow GHO to receive a arbitrium's airdrop on the GHO borrowing and you can take the GHO and some of it can go into the balancer gho/usdt/usdc lp getting 9.93% in arb drops and half can be used to swap to grai in order to use grai on contango to be eligible for the contango airdrop of tango as well as get a optimized leveraged position in gho/usdt which was yielding a nice 60% with safe leverage in goARB which can be claimed on dolomite in 40 weeks for free and you need to pair it with grai until then. If you really want to get some airdrops you can also use the BTC lending markets on Zero Lend and add that as the last part is bridge to ETH main net and deposit in eBTC on the Zero Lend btc markets and you can get airdropped there zero token plus 8 other airdrops as well. Lots of ways to stack up your airdrops these days lol