Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? (Matthew 6: 27, NLT)
Can a single hour be added to your span of life by being anxious? (Matthew 6: 27, ESV-paraphrased)
Can worrying make you grow taller? (Matthew 6: 27, BLB-paraphrased)
Can worry make you live longer? (Matthew 6: 27, CEV)
Do you know that most influential people die of heart attack because they worry a lot?
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, in November 2017 revealed that about 610,000 people die of heart disease in the United States every year–that’s 1 in every 4 deaths. In Nigeria, This Day Newspaper (October 5, 2007) reported that 150,000 persons die annually as a result of heart-related diseases. In the article, Kuni Tyessi predicted an alarmingly increase to 23 million by the year 203, if adequate measures are not taken. Azoma Chikwe in The Sun (June 22, 2017) also maintained that heart attack remains Nigeria’s number one killer disease.
Now know these:
The victims of the "minute-killer virus" are basically those who are ignorant of the provisions of Matthew 6: 27. They never take to thought that their needs can be met without their worrying.
Everyday, God is still supplying needs. As a matter of fact, Jireh means that "God WILL provide". The future tense of the provision and supplies from God, “will” is an assurance for a secured tomorrow. That is why Jesus admonished us to not to be anxious of anything:
Paul in Philippians 4:6-7 wrote:
“Don't worry about anything, but in all your prayers ask God for what you need, always asking him with a thankful heart. And God's peace, which is far beyond human understanding, will keep your hearts and minds safe in union with Christ Jesus (GNT)”.
Here, Paul admonished us that receiving Christ which is the personification of all things from God to us is supposed to give us peace; such peace that will take away anxiety.
Anxiety is a sign of disbelieve.
It shows insecurity and a high level of fear. It is a dread of the known and the unknown.
Sadly, worrying has become the order of the day and has become a vocation to some. The medical personnel handle now millions of messy heart situations because people have seen worrying as a way of life. Our life does not grow by how much we worry.
Worrying does not appreciate it victims, rather, it truly depreciates and speeds up the dying day.
Sometimes worrying makes one doubt the existence of God. God gives the seed, ours it to plant, water and tend; but it is God that does the growing. He does the increase, He does the fruiting. Just believe. If you will believe that you in your imperfection will water your garden believing the water will do good, why not believe God for His part in making the fruitfulness.
Just ask God for what you need. Don’t complain, don't murmur; don’t worry yourself to heart attacks.
Friend! The provisions are already there, just go in and take it through Christ. Thankfully ask believing that He had given. Some persons are not thankful because they do not believe. Some people when asking for something are so negative and hypocritical that they may think "whether he will give or will rubbish me". No! Paul wrote that we should ask with a thankful heart. The heart of thanks is a heart that has already believed. You don’t need to see it at that instance, just ask and go your way.
Jesus climaxed it when he says that our heavenly father already knows that we have needs, so why not just ask.
Asking is one of the privileges that God has granted us in Christ. We do not receive because we don’t ask with a believing heart.
I hope it blesses your spirit.
You will succeed.
I am your success coach - Follow me @uyobong

Indeed worry, speeds up the dying day. Thank you @uyobong for this message
Thank you @daronbush for visiting my blog
Worries never accomplishes anything, rather makes things worse and endanger the individual.
Thank you for this piece @uyobong, God really cares.
God cares so much than one can imagine. We ask we reveive, now worries.