Air-clinic Writing Contest On Poverty; The Elder Cousin To Disease

in #air-clinic7 years ago

Poverty: the elder cousin to poverty.

Poverty has caused many harms than good. The earliest poverty can make people to be endemic to diseases like sugar diabetes,high blood pressure,hypertension etcetera. This could be as a result of poor nutrition,thinking and the likes. Diabetes is known to affect people regardless of their financial status. Poor people are predisposed to the disease than wealthy people.
Worsening Of poverty is caused by chronic diseases. People with poverty have decreased access to health services which make them to experience vital disease conditions.

Sit back and enjoy this story to the fullest.

Once upon a time, there comes a couple who loves and cares for each other.
The breadwinner who is Mr James was an accountant and CEO filling station.

During Jos crisis, Every one of the family scattered to saved their lives.
It took the family a long time to locate themselves. When they reunite again, the family was so happy that they were saved but the sad part was that they lost all their properties to the crisis.

They have to start from the scratch. It wasn't easy for them to adjust to this new life

All efforts to get good job was in Vail. The father started indulging in laboring job to meet ends meet. This hard job made him very weak broke down with illness. He had developed hypertension coupled with diabetes which is driving him to the edge of life.
They lost one of the kids to hunger and the other two developed chronic ulcer. There was no enough money to manage the illness and it became severe day by day. The wife were left in dilemma because she was helpless.
After seven years of this dilemma, a help came from an old friend Who was once uplifted by Mr James a long while ago. God helped them through the friend and life became meaningful for them again.
health is said to be wealth but I added this with it that wealth is also health.

Words count : 325

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