in #air-clinic7 years ago (edited)



It is a generalized feeling of insecurity, discomfort and therefore unhappiness in each of the essential aspects of life, because the constant need to be alert to daily life to such an extent of maintaining an attitude of distrust, of sadness by primarily thinking and have the need to control the future that in itself we see it loaded with tragic nuances.

Types: Ansiedad-e-ira-signos-de-depresion-posparto.jpgSource

1.-Generalized anxiety disorder: excessive and constant worry impossible to handle.

2.- Selective Mutism: it can be classified as a kind of phobia to be heard by some people in particular, it is for them that they remain silent before a specific group of people.

3.- Anxiety due to separation: constant fear of detachment from a particular person or persons.

4.- Agoraphobia: generalized fear of crowds such as large queues, concerts, central locations.

5.- Anxiety disorder (panic attacks): appearance of a feeling of fear or restlessness without apparent cause.

6.- Social anxiety disorder: Anguish or fear of being judged by others in a typical social situation.

7.- Specific phobia: it is uncontrollable fear of a place, an object a particular animal.

8.- Substance induction disorder / medication: as the name implies is that feeling of anguish or panic generated by the intake of some medication (side effect)

9.- Anxiety disorder to medical illnesses: it has to do with anguish due to illness.

10.- Specific and non-specific disorders: these are clinically proven disorders but do not meet the established diagnosis.

11.- Mixed anxiety-depressive disorder: it is a disorder that meets in equal measure between anxiety and depression.

12 .- Other mixed anxiety disorders are disorders that can not be diagnosed specifically because they have various characteristics of other disorders such as: obsessive compulsive, dissociative, somatization, hypochondriac, ...

Origin of anxiety:

Although the origin of anxiety is still unknown, it is usually attributed to the environment in which we live, to a hereditary factor, a traumatic event suffered before, to live very fast or radical changes, to live under a lot of stress.

Most frequent symptoms: descarga.jpg

  • Constant-constant
  • Feeling of anguish, worry or constant fear.
  • Hands and cold feet.
  • Tension in the muscles of the body.
  • Globalized widespread.
  • Marbles, vertigo.
  • Shoot of breathlessness, lack of air to breathe.
  • Sickness.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Lack of sleep.
  • Incapability to relax.

How to treat it?

The anxiety must be diagnosed mainly to later locate the type and to be able to prescribe specific medicines or therapies to lower the anxious high levels, besides it is important to take care of the diet and to do some type of sport activity since it helps the cerebral oxygenation important aspect for making decisions in daily life.



Greetings, @dbora this is a very interesting topic and that many do not know.