PLACEBO In MEDICINE: Does It Really Work?
Hello Air-Clinicians & Friends,
Have you ever heard the word "placebo"? Do you know what it means? If you don't know, have you ever wondered what it might mean?
Well, contrary to what you may be thinking, placebo is not the trade name of a drug. Let's see the dictionary definition of the word.
a medicine or procedure prescribed for the psychological benefit to the patient rather than for any physiological effect.
In this context, its still not a psychoactive drug. Infact, its nothing! Its just like giving you water in form of a tablet. There's no active susbstance in it that will have the effect of the drug.
Look at it as deception. The aim of this deception is to make the patient or subject think he/she is being given an active drug whereas he/she only received a placebo. Eg. A patient addicted to a painkiller could be given water for injection instead and he/she will still feel better. Lolx.
1- Tests, Clinical Trials & Studies:
In every study, there's usually a test drug and a control drug. If there's no control, you cannot say for sure that the substance had an effect. Hence the effect of the active substance is measured against the uneffectiveness of the control.
2- In Psychology:
Many illnesses are not real. What we mean is that they are actually just in the mind of the patient. So if you can work on his/her mind, you have half-solved (or fully solved) the given problem. Placebos can come in handy for this. You trick the patient into believing he/she is okay (and he/she actually becomes okay). Ever heard of fake it till you make it!?
3- To Identify A Malingering Patient:
To malinger means to pretend to be ill or suffer from a given ailment. The supposed patient may even have read up some of the features of the ailment and try to conform with symptoms.
SO in this scenario, how do you find out the truth? Its simple, just give him/her placebo and he/she pretends to get better lolx. Here you have it. You just caught a medical thief!
4- To Treat Drug Addiction:
You can use this placebo method to cure an addict by replacing the active substance with placebo sometimes. It must be a very discrete operation because if the patient discovers mission is aborted. Also you are to do it sparingly, otherwise it won't work anymore.
We believe we have added to your medical knowledge today. So to answer the question we posed in the title:
Caution has to be applied by a health expert to only use it in appropriate circumstances or it might lose its given benefits.
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Hi, im not a doctor or any kind of medic. But I have done some reading about the topic and some experience through out my life. And placebo as a treatment form will have power. This is easy explained with the power of the mind.
If you go all day telling yourself that something bad will happen to you, or that you are so extremely tired 😴. Or that you have an illness. You mind will eventually agree with this and give you what you desire, either being sick, tired or what ever you tell your body that you want to attract. You will find several examples of this documented In books. The last book I read about this was by the author Else Byskov, where is have several examples from here own experience of whom people where able to heal from different illnesses with using placebo cures. I wrote a post about this a couple of months ago. I believe in the power of the mind
Hey @Everydaycoach. Nice name!
Exactly my friend. The mind works in mysterious ways. Thats why every good physician must learn to treat the mind as well. No drugs or therapies will really work without first establiching rapport and a good relationship with the patient. Thanks for your contribution!
Yeah mate, your are totally right, their are a lot of talks online about this topic ! Some people have proven that mind can have a impact on matter, like real
''The mind or consciousness can accomplish everything that medical science and pharmacology is capable of, and ever so much more. To be sure, mind power often works to our disadvantage, producing negative results''
Source :
The role of placebo in medicine has some benefits in checkmating the drug addicts and the patients that love to visit the hospital for free drugs
Yeah. We agree with you. That's one of the benefits of this system. Detecting Malingering!
''So if you can work on his/her mind, you have half-solved (or fully solved) the given problem'' I totaly agree with that mate ! Some serious studies showed that 30% of benefit from medecine in all sector (from mediatation to neuro-science) are in fact psychological !
For the drugs it is exatly the same. Cannabis and cocaine are really different, but at the end they both act on dopamine which makes you happy to resume. Both drug are really different but both act on mind cause they are psychological adiction. But a stoner will look for piece of weed as a cocainonam would search his product.
Whereas one impacts dopamine a little bit, the other one literally double or triple your natural level which makes you feel well and invincible (self trust depends as well of th dopamine level, of the mood in other words. That's why both will make you feel happy and then "depressed" way faster as well.
That's as simple as Newton law, when you act, you'll fell the consequences. My version of it's law X) From a action results a consequences..
Really well written, and a realistic point of view, +1 sub
Yeah. We do agree with you. It may even have a much higher correlation if more studies are carried out.
The mind is the seat of intelligence. It controls all aspects of the body. Unconsciously, we get signals to be well or unwell.
Hence every good physician must manage a patient wholistically. Treat the body, mind and soul for an effective therapy that will last him/her a lifetime.
Thanks for contributing. Cheers!
Lolz, I akind of laugh it out because, some years back I was caught in such web. It was in the market where I ran into contact with unknow person and mistakely his hand touched me below the belt, I thouhgt within me, why would this man touch me in such area, immediately I became paralysed by fears, I tell you, I was physically feeling some strong body changes, I quickly came back to me, I try some measures to take my mind off its present dwelling, I try to think of some happy moments in my life, while dwelling in such moments I unconciously forgot the innocent man's touch and the akward feelings and body changes disappears.
I realised that our mind is the breeding ground for the sickness we are suffering, that's in most cases. No wonder the bible said, "guard your heart with all dilligence because out of it comes the issues of life",
Placebo, as I come to know it today, it's really a needed medication with no cost but with much effect is a recommended approach.
I am blessed with this post, i learnt more everyday in steemit, especially in air-clinic.
One love to all of us.
Lolx. Very funny anecdote you have there.
The mind is the controller of the body.
Thats why every good physician must talk with the patient to find out whether there are other things bordering him/her before therapy.
I have personally seen the application of a placebo in psychology and picking up malingering people. Its like magic how people react when they believe in what a drug can do.
Great piece.
Thanks @Kaizerdr. It does work like magic for real.
ARe you a medic?
If yes, contact Dr. George on #AIR-CLINIC Discord for appropriate placement.
See yah!
wow! so some doctors will just come and be giving us blanks and we will be feeling
i actually think you're correct when you say that most illness are in the mind of a patient.sometimes i just feel am sick and i need some pills,but when i see my test results...i just start feeling normal again.
Lolx. Yeah. We do that sometimes @Jokrack especially when necessary. Are you related to @Joeycrack? Very similar names. He's one of our radioheads on Clinic-Fm.
You should join us on Discord.
yea, am on discord too...seen him around , not related...buh he's cool
lol...i skip the singing parts and join discussions on discord
The Placebo Effect actually does work and i've had first hand experience of this in action.
Placebo has been saving doctors since 1845
very very true
Can you relay the story to us? We will love to hear it.
Placebo works!
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