Ask Any Medical Questions Ep 1 (LIVE ON AIR-CLINIC APP NOW!)

in #air-clinic7 years ago


Hello Air-Clinicians & Friends!

Hope you are having a Splendid day. We bring you the first episode of our new program "Ask Any Medical Questions" (AAMQ) . It's an avenue for you to ask questions on any health or medical issues, that you don't mind sharing in public . The aim of the program is for you, as well as other readers to learn from such questions and the answers given.

  • AAMQ is where you get to share those little things bordering you that are health related.
  • It could be your observations on other people that has raised you curiosity and you keep wondering what could be the problem.
  • Do you have a friend, siblings, parent(s)... Who has that health challenges you have not fully understood, AAMQ is a time you can ask questions about it and get enlightened.
  • You have heard one big grammar from your doctor and you don't really understand, AAMQ is your time.
  • Have you heard different and condracticting views or approaches about a health issue or condition and you have been wondering which is really right, let's hear it in AAMQ.
  • Do you have that health related question, issue or even just curiosity that you feel it will look "somehow" or embarrassing if you ask, please come! AAMQ is a time to express whatever medical concern without being judged.

We have a team of health experts that are waiting just for you and whatever medical question(s) you have. Also feel free to make an informed response to other people's questions and comments.

Remember that other people will be seeing whatever question(s) you ask here. For personal and confidential question(s), please contact "the doctor on duty" via private message.

ASK ANY MEDICAL QUESTIONS in the comments section ...

Ask any medical questions


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Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvoting this reply.

I had a challenge downloading the app
Will retry soon probably because of my storage
My Question is

What is the medical validity or how possible could it be medically for a lady to be pregnant while swimming alone in a public swimming pool

The chances of this is very rare if not impossible unless the sperm is deposited directly into her. Swimming pools are treated with chemicals that might damage the sperm cells. The volume of water in the swimming pool will most likely reduce the concentration of the sperm if released into the pool, especially at some distance. The chances of the sperm ascending the genital tract is also rare.

Thank you for sharing your concern with us.

Is that a sarcastic question or really want an answer?

I'm not sure. But we are here to give answers to any medical question.

Wow!! You all have come so far. Thanks for this advice line. Much needed.