Japan’s Creepy Real-Life Living Doll - Lulu Hashimoto

in #ai8 years ago

Lulu Hashimoto is the world’s first “living doll fashion model”, and  you can actually become her by putting on a realistic body suit  consisting of  doll head mask, a wig and stockings patterned with  doll-like joints. As you can see in the photos below, the effect is  pretty disturbing. Becoming a living doll used to be mostly about applying thick layers  of makeup, putting on the right clothes and posing in a doll-like  position. You’ve probably heard about famous such “living dolls”, like  Kina Shen, Kotakoti or Valeryia Lukyanova, but they could never achieve  the level of realism displayed by Lulu Hashimoto, a true living doll and  Japan’s newest fashion sensation. More info: Lulu Doll, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube (h/t: odditycentral)

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