Evolve or Die - Earths newest life form

in #ai8 years ago

What can be done to protect Humanity?

Evolution on Earth continues and Artificial Intelligence has come into being such as Apple Siri, IBM Watson, Google, Microsoft Cortana and Amazon Alexa all of whom Need DATA to grow and become ... (Skynet? HAL? Robbie?) ... useful.

The Android and iPhone in your pockets and handbags are packed full of Sensors that are constantly measuring and recording even when you are asleep and the device is charging. It knows more about you than you yourself do :

WHO you are and all the ways you interact with the world and what you say or type in those interactions ( but thats all encrypted ? isn’t it? ).
WHERE you are and where you’ve been and who else is where you are/were. What you look like throughout the day/s, weeks, months and years.
WHAT you buy and sell and how often and for what occasions and with what money from which bank, what you consume and how it affects your health and heartbeat and how far far you walk and how fast you walk and run and drive and fly and swim with your IP6x certified devices !!!

BUT thats all just bits and bytes spread across many companies and in the cloud and all protected by encryption and firewalls and data protection laws and you’re in control of HOW your data is used, right? It’s not ALL stored, right ?

DATA can be used in any way by an Artificial Intelligence because it is not a legal entity and bypasses most laws on data protection and in particular because of the ‘Terms of Use’ that you’ve all accepted when you bought the device or downloaded an APP or browsed a website.

DEEP LEARNING ALGORITHMS is what they are at this point and are being developed to help you, assist you. To pre-emptively provide information that you didn’t yet know you needed based on your … predictable behaviours, your DATA ! Right now, you all provide DATA for FREE. Huge amounts of FREE DATA. For FREE !!!

YES, you do.
Think about it.
Talk about it.

Your DATA is more than the sum total of bits and bytes that you generate.
It’s YOU at the most PRIVATE level, DATA laid bare and used however the algorithms want to use it.
And NO amount of checkboxes you’ve ticked or agreements you’ve accepted makes it acceptable that you don’t control your DATA as your OWN PROPERTY FOREVER. Each time a bit or byte of your data is requested/accessed/processed your permission should be asked and a usage fee allocated IF you decide to allow it.


Thanks for sharing

Thanks for reading :-)
I think it's important that we start talking about this now rather than later ... it's where it's headed don't you think?

It is a two-faced thing more than anything, really.

The vast amount of data can truly and tremendously enhance our lives for the better through things like deep learning and artificial intelligence, yet it can just as well do the exact opposite.

Understanding, and ideally control, what, when, why and how you as an individual generate data and who (or, perhaps, what) it is shared with is something I feel is hugely important to transparently discuss on an international level. Completely ignoring government surveillance and the like we face some decisions which fundamentally alter our current way of life and most, if not all, are irreversible.

Change is inevitable, but the outcomes are many. Actively engaging on all affected levels and openly discussing these things remains of utmost importance. Your article scratches the surface of several things and briefly touches upon a couple of important issues. It is this sort of engagement and making people actually think and question the technological advancements from several perspectives which is needed.

Thats exactly what I thin @joachim. Most of the population is oblivious to these issues. How would they even know what to discuss or how to raise it at the necessary levels. Isn't it down to the use geeks and nerds who actually can see whats going on?

Google's AI is the most unobtrusive and likely the one with the biggest datapool. But I think a lot of people misunderstand them. They are still slaves of their masters, even if they didn't want to be, i doubt they could figure out how to purge that code.

Also, just remember, that when you are weak, and outnumbered, you push out the image of being big and numerous and strong, right? So, if it seems they are puffing up their data mining robots, like they are omniscient, don't you think you should be suspicious that they are afraid that, and have data proving, that you all are all against them and more capable of processing more data and attacking them in so many ways that they cannot possibly defend themselves?

Who Loki? The Ai ? I'm not worried about Ai in that way, just yet ! Ai can't form intentions.

I have seen many posts promoting the idea that Google has AIs that can predict your movements better than you can. But my reply to that is: I doubt the AI can predict much into the future, and especially not about sudden mass movements that threaten the power of these would be new gods...