Netflix brainwashing

in #agwhoax6 years ago

And the brainwashing continues. Netflix, I'm so disappointed. I really like the show Travelers, but the "climate change" BS drives me nuts. Be honest, will you?! When you say "climate change" what you Actually mean is Human Caused Climate Change due to CO2 Emissions, aka Anthropogenic Global Warming, AGW. #AGWHoax

Stop with the anti-CO2 Fear Mongering!

How many times must I repeat myself?! CO2 is a TRACE GAS! Only 400ppm of the atmosphere is CO2. That is 0.04%! The atmosphere contains 720 billion tons (GT) of CO2 and humans contribute only 6 GT additional load on this balance.

Humans are only contributing 6/720=0.833% of the CO2 in our atmosphere with our burning of fossil fuels! CO2 is the LEAST effective of the greenhouse gasses, and comprises the SMALLEST percentage of the greenhouse gasses.

CO2 is Plant Food! Plants evolved in an era when there was WAY More CO2 in the atmosphere than there is now, and have been sucking it up and sequestering it in the ocean and in the ground for millennia. They are literally Starving for CO2 compared to when they evolved. The fossil fuels we are burning are merely Returning CO2 to where it came from!

Water Vapor is the MOST powerful of the greenhouse gasses, and comprises the Greatest percentage of greenhouse gasses in our atmosphere. That means every time you heat up water until it steams you are doing more to affect the Earth's greenhouse effect than driving a car for Miles and Miles! Heck, the steam coming out of your radiator when your car overheats is doing more than the exhaust from your engine!

The Earth's Average Temperature hasn't increased in over 20 YEARS!!! That means the Climate hasn't Changed in an Entire Adult Lifetime!

And the idea that the Polar Ice Caps will totally MELT is just Mind Blowingly stupid. Are you kidding me?! You are telling me you don't think Winter at the North and South Poles would be cold enough to cause Water to Freeze?! Do you know how HOT the entire planet would have to be to prevent Snow and Ice from forming at the Poles?! You really think that an Entire Month without Any Sunlight can't possibly freeze water?!

The South Poll, especially, has a Gyre surrounding it isolating it from the rest of the world, making it Permanently Ice Cold Year Round. Do you have Any idea how HOT the Entire rest of the planet would have to get to break that wind pattern and melt the south pole?! Let me tell you, the human race wouldn't survive those temperatures, forget about what it would do to the climate, we'd all cook in our own juices.

The ONLY way we humans could Change our planet's climate in a significant and harmful way is if we had a thermonuclear war, world war 3, that causes global nuclear winter, ushering in the next glaciation period artificially. That glaciation period, BTW, is going to happen naturally anyway, as part of the Natural Cycle Earth Has Always Gone Through. We are in a nice WARM period right now, but it's Going To End.

That being said, I want us to get off fossil fuels for a number of reasons:

  1. Stop the ACTUAL pollution that is choking our air (I have asthma, I really like breathing)

  2. Stop the ACTUAL pollution that is killing life in the ocean

  3. Stop the ACTUAL pollution that is killing wildlife on land

  4. Stop the ACTUAL pollution that is infecting our soil and crops

  5. Stop the ACTUAL pollution that threatens our water supply

  6. End our dependence on Saudi Arabia, which is a Terror State that has been funding Terrorists that are trying to kill us all!!!!

  7. Switch to alternatives before we run out of these Totally Non-Renewable fuels, because Earth does Not produce it nearly as fast as we are using it.

  8. Save our environment and ecosystems before we wind up making it impossible for the human race to survive.

So, we are on the same side when it comes to switching us all to alternatives, ending our use of these fuels. I just Do Not Agree with Carbon Taxes and Carbon Credits! Carbon Taxes hurt the poor and middle class, because the increased cost of business Always gets passed down to the consumers and employees of the Working Class. Carbon Credits are OFFICIAL PURCHASED PERMISSION TO CONTINUE TO POLLUTE! So Big Corporations will just keep spewing pollution, and basically just paying a tax/fine/license fee to do it. Which, BTW, gets passed down to the Poor and Middle Class, just like Carbon Taxes.

And I Do Not Agree with punishing developing countries for using these fuels, causing mass starvation. It is extremely hypocritical of the Developed, First World, nations like the USA to punish other countries for doing the exact same thing WE did to get to this point in our development. We should be HELPING them by giving them alternatives.

HELP people, don't Hurt people!!

End of Rant.