"SEC | S20W5:"Planting & Care"

in #agro-s20w55 days ago

Hi friends I hope you are good I am feeling happy while taking part in the engagement challenge and the topic is very delicate "SEC | S20W5:"Planting & Care".


1: Which season does Pakistan falls; and what are the best planting times and why are these times the best?

Pakistan has actually very extreme kinds of weather and I guess more from the time we have summer season heat is extensive than the winter so if I talk about the climate changes I think it is more tropical rather than and it is also depending more in the region because in different regions the weather is entirely different.

How much Seasons we have

We have spring , Autumn,winter 🍁 🍁 🍁 summer seasons in our blessed country that is gift of Allah almighty.



So May,June ,July , august, September these are the summer months but I think summer 🌞 🌞 🌞 last for longer time now a days till October.


Winter is for a very short period of time like December and January at the end of February which started having some sort of mixed weather.


The monsoon is between August and September.


April and may is the spring 🌼 🌱 🌱 🌱 season pleasant weather of the year.

Time for planting in Pakistan

Winter season for plantation

Our most of the crops mainly in the season of the winter from the December and January at the first half of the February so the mainly our vegetables for example carrot potatoes and my one of the favourite fruit which is the strawberries also plant in this season. One of the most important that we need so out the year is wheat 🌾 🌾 🌾.


During summer which is the time period of June July and August September so this is the best time for many hour one of favourite fruits for example mangoes watermelon and the another important thing which we need so out the year is the rice and along with that there are so many vegetables for example the okra bitter gourd also plant during this time.

Why we prefer this time

Firstly the temperature is not so hard and during this time and secondly the quantity of the moisture is very good during this period of time and another important thing is that days are longer and and which is one of the best thing ever happened for a planting because we need more daylight for the photosynthesis.


2: What is the importance of planting trees in the right place and in which places can trees be planted?

We have always heard this term that planting more and more trees will need to clean the environment and air and also ozone layer pollution can be reduced.

Why is the right place important

First of all for the growth we always prefer the place which is Right for growth.

Another important thing which we need to keep in mind is the soil condition because soil is really important for the growth of any plant

The thing which we never forget is infrastructure it really matters a lot for proper growth.

Places for trees

I will just highlight the important and right place for planting

  • Soil slopes
  • Agricultural lands
  • Gardens
  • Backyards are very good for growth Forestery
  • Streams are another super place for planting

If region wise we talk about in Urban area very compact and green walls.

In rural areas

Streams and riverways wildlife and most importantly forestry and farms.

The advantage of planning for example to keep our environment clean and this is also very important for mental well-being and another important thing which I must highlight the value of any land if it is full of planting its value is increased.

Erosion of the soil can be saved and water quality is improved.

3: What kind of fertilizers or organic fertilizers should be used to prepare the soil before planting?

As a good farmer 😜 you must know these things before planting for example humans know the clay or sand is suitable for growth or not another thing you must know is nitrogen and potassium content or levels. Last but not the least you must know the pH levels.


Fertilizers are very expensive day by day but I will highlight only the important one if I tell you about the inorganic this is mainly the

  • Ammonium
  • Potassium sulfate
    And another important content is the soil must be reached in the nitrogen content which is really important for the growth of any type.


Most of the people you know in the rural areas are use the animal waste as organic fertilizers which is called the manure.


The green manure is most commonly used. Compost is one of the best organic fertilizer with alfaaf and blood meal.


So why do we prefer organic fertilizer because it helps you a lot to prevent soil erosion from making your environment More clean and another important thing which I must highlight is microbial growth and your soil texture is also improve so much.

Soil preparation

People invest a lot of time in just preparing the soil before they plant
Soil is level before planting and another important is manure around 4 to 6 inches for well growth.

Best time for a fertilizer application is at least four weeks before planting.

4: What is the correct method of using pesticides and fungicides for gardening and which pesticides/fungicides can be used?

For the environment to keep claims we need to know what are the proper methods and how to use the pesticides and fungicide.

I have seen with my eyes even when my brother and dho planting so that danger of use of fertilizers or pesticides his your hands become infected so must wear good quality gloves and mask plus sunglasses 🕶️.

Don't use in avoid separate area just spray in the area which had been damaged.

And you need to be careful and keep an eye on to see whether the pesticide may run off for example you spray and the same day raining so be careful.

You must monitor the weather updates for example in raining weather or very hot weather you don't need to spray.


Some of the pesticides we commonly use are neem oil which insec killer ,copper is one of the best fungicide and in Pakistan wee use for spider 🕷️ mites acaricide.

Organic pesticides

Farmers in few circumstances used garlic spray its a soap like consistent in nature for killing insects.


Few farmers rely on the used of combination of baking soda along with sulfur as a source of fungicide. Hence in some area copper is utilized as fungicide.

Natural fungicide

Neem oil I already mentioned even cinnamon is also being used widely.

5: What home remedies can be used to protect plants for the roof or back garden?.

People in the rural areas actually save money and as well as their a lot of remedy their prefer to do for example name separate is very good method and remedy which is most commonly used.

Many people even use the Cinnamon and what they do and then mix it with water and then they spray it on the soil.

Even garlic they make the mixture of garlic with water.


I already mentioned in this one tea tree oil this is very widely used take tea treal oil and mix it with water and used to do spray.

Some of the other remedies for example basil leaves and leaves of the mint also used so commonly.

Best thing is always try remedy very very small portion of the soil for testing like we do skin patch test the same is for remedies and their always apply or separate the remedies early in the morning for better result or even afternoon have good results.

Its all about my today's post.

I would like to invite my friends @iqrarana786, @m-fdo and @jannat12 to take part in the challenge.


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Observations and suggestions:

During summer, which is the time period of June, July, and August, September, so this is the best time for many hour one of favourite fruits for example mangoes watermelon

Does this suggest a time for harvesting the fruit of these plants or best times to sow them?

. Its important we note the importance of planting. you were silent in laying more emphasis on this task. Vital reasons for planting include for ecological reasons, authestic purposes, biodiversities, etc.
. Good and basic knowledge shared so far. Thank you for your participation. We look forward to seeing you in week 6.
