in #agro-s20w42 days ago

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When we talk about agriculture, of course, there are many very interesting things to talk about. Before going further I would like to invite @walictd, @f2i5 and @vivigibelis to join the challenge “SEC | S20W4: ”ROLE OF AGRICULTURE IN THE ECONOMY”

a. Explain the social and industrial roles of agriculture in your country, sighting one of the main grown crop.


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Indonesia is an agricultural country, of course, it has a very large land area to be planted with various crops both short-lived or in other words seasonal crops or crops and perennials. As an agricultural country, in general, people live more in the countryside and have a life as a farmer.

The main crop grown by farmers is rice, while other crops can include cocoa, coffee, cloves. The point is adjusted to the location of the area. All of this is well managed by the farmers. Who make their living from agricultural products.

Rice, which is the staple food of the Indonesian people, can be found throughout Indonesia. Because this is the main source of food and can be planted in areas with high or low rain intensity. And there are types of field rice and rice that are usually grown in rice fields.

Thus, various industries that manage agricultural products on a small and large scale were born. Even these agricultural products are exported to other countries in the form of processed products and raw materials in addition to consumption by the Indonesian people.

b. How has this main grown agriproduct helped in reducing poverty and as well promote rural development in your country?


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There are so many influences caused by agriculture. Especially with the continuous management of agriculture. It will certainly have an influence on people's lives, especially rural communities whose lives depend on agriculture, especially rice. In addition to being able to meet the food needs of their families, even the rice mina program launched by the government will make people able to meet food and improve nutrition as well as possible.

The pattern applied will at least make the community more prosperous. And this kind of support will at least reduce poverty. Moreover, there are programs launched by the government with the main goal of prospering farmers. So that the agricultural products obtained will get self-sufficiency and of course, the rice can be exported and the community will benefit from what they have done in an effort to increase agricultural yields.

The prosperity of the farmers will be seen by the better results they get from the agricultural products they get. In essence, when agricultural yields increase and the selling value increases, then farmers will benefit from this. Their lives will prosper and in review of everything will go according to the desired expectations.

c. What are the main challenges facing your country's top crops (e.g., cocoa, palm, maize, wheat, rice, etc.) in terms of economic impact?


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When agricultural output increases, there will be an influence on rural development. Let's say that in this case the government will build infrastructure that will make rural communities remain loyal to their profession. Development that does emphasize the balance of the agricultural and industrial sectors which are also related and mutually supportive of both.

As crop yields increase, food processing industries will be established by both the government and the private sector. Due to the availability of sufficient raw materials, the industry will grow well and of course needs to pay attention to environmental factors.

Sometimes there is something interesting about utilizing agricultural land as a tourist attraction. The real thing is to utilize it for learning activities, especially for students. They can learn directly on farms that prioritize learning for them. In essence, they can travel while learning about agriculture. Currently, there are many places that offer tours while learning on well-managed agricultural land and provide enormous benefits for the next generation.

Many industries will be established mainly to utilize agricultural products as the main sector. If a certain area produces a lot of rice, of course, a rice processing factory will be built as the main raw material. And there will be other factories that will utilize these raw materials. It is said that there will be a rice husk processing plant, for various industrial purposes.

Even to establish an industry, it will also utilize materials derived from nature such as bamboo and wood. However, this needs special attention to handle it, especially since forest encroachment for large amounts of wood will result in things that are detrimental to both rural and urban communities.

When we talk about fertilizers, irrigation and funding, of course, the government has a role to play that we cannot forget. When it comes to fertilizer, the government provides subsidies to rural communities, especially farmers. As for irrigation, the government is currently trying to build new irrigation and rehabilitate old irrigation that has been damaged or needs repair. As for funding issues, the government, through cooperatives and government banks, provides people's business loans with the aim of reducing poverty.

d. What current or past government initiatives are boosting agricultural productivity in your country?"


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There have been many efforts made by the government to increase agricultural output, especially rice. This is not only done by the current government, it was also done by previous governments. There is a program run by the old government, which probably plays a big role in what the current government does.

The government is building irrigation networks and opening up agricultural land, especially in areas that are not densely populated. This was done by the old order government, namely the Transmigration program. This program makes people realize that in an agricultural country, this is very important.

The government subsidizes fertilizers to support farmers. So that farmers can buy fertilizer at low prices, but the quality of the fertilizer remains good. This was not only done by the old government, but the new government also did it. So that farmers can buy fertilizer according to their needs at prices that have been subsidized by the government.

In addition, cropping patterns are regulated as well as possible by the government, so that farmers are not harmed by things that reduce agricultural production. Thus, the attention given by the government will provide considerable benefits for agricultural production.

e. What solutions can enhance agricultural productivity and growth in your country?

Various solutions were provided by the government as I explained previously. The government provides agricultural extension workers whose job is to help farmers in their efforts to find solutions to the problems faced by farmers. Of course, with the knowledge possessed by extension workers, they will find a way out of the problems faced by farmers.

There is consultation on problems that often arise in the field such as planting patterns, pests and harvesting processes that will be carried out, even the problem of seeds is a problem that is often referred to through the help of agricultural extension workers who are scattered throughout the country who have agricultural land.

This is provided through the Ministry of Agriculture, which deploys agricultural extension workers in various regions. Basically, they understand the problems faced by farmers and they are willing to find a solution as an effort to increase agricultural yields.

Thanks to all steemit friends who have stopped by my post. Greetings @muzack1.

cc : @xkool24


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Welcome to the agro-learning challenge season 20.

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Observations and suggestions:

. Nicely explained your country's top crops social and industrial impact on the economy. This was also well represented in attending to other questions.
. On this task "What are the main challenges facing your country's top crops...", i was struggling to corelate your responses here as they do not attend completely to questions.
. However, you have nicely attended to all questions and with a good post-presentation.

Thank you for your participation. We hope to see you in week 5.


Thanks you for support and verification my post....

Hehehe, bapak memang sudah cukup berpengalaman bagian pertanian sejak dulu, walaupun sekarang gak lagi pikir kesana tapi semua pengalaman masih jelas membekas terlihat dari penjelasan yang luar biasa. Pasti karena sering nikmati kopi pineung nyen. kiban nye meunan bang @aneukpineung78

Kita mencoba mengikuti sebuah alur dengan pengalaman yang kita miliki. Terimakasih atas support yang anda berikan....

Sama-sama pak, semoga sukses