The Psychology of Agorism
Agorism is the ultimate anarchistic act; it is partly black market economics—but it can encapsulate a variety of markets.
The purpose of agorism is to create anarchism or a free society through trade while disregarding government thugs. It is counter economics. For example, an agorist peddles his drugs, food, or whatever freely with fellow humans. He does not concern himself with regulations and other government oversight.
This activity is natural for agorists, because it satisfies a fundamental psychological need: the urge for freedom. Psychologist William Glasser elaborated on this need in his many books, including Choice Theory. He cited the need for love and belonging as the top need, but freedom is right behind it if not the true number one genetically encoded drive.
Show Me Your Wares!
Therefore, governments cannot stop free trade. No single person can stifle market activity. Supply and demand exists as an economic principle regardless of government violence, and agorists will always crop up to trade according to their will. It is time to embrace our natural inclination to trade and live uninhibited, fearless of coercion.
It is time to acknowledge the truth: that government is a figment of our imagination---that there is only a bunch of people who pretend to have authority over a geographical region. Agorism is just one facet of direct action anarchists can take against the State. Why not use this peaceful weapon to undermine all authority?
Show me your wares and trades, and I will show you mine!
My name is Sterlin. Follow me @ Psychologic-Anarchist. I also run the Psychologic-Anarchist Facebook page and produce many YouTube videos. My interests lie in the intersection of counseling psychology and anarchism. I write about the depredations of psychiatry, and also the new philosophy of compassionate anarchism. We have a large community devoted to discussing psychology and relational voluntaryism.
Human nature, earth nature, and just common sense. Try and explain it to your family or just about anyone and they justify their suffering and defend their imprisonment. Awesome post.
Interesting post!
I looked up a definition of agorism and agoraphobia on Google and the top result was this link from reddit:
It's so interesting to me that someone would characterize this as a left leaning political philosophy because it is so consistent with right-libertarian rhetoric. Yet another reason to call bullshit on the left/right dichotomy paradigm.
I also find it interesting given that agorism is centered around free exchange and that agoraphobia is basically fear of simply going outside your house and interacting with other human beings. This disorder must have its roots in the disgusting practice of making illegal most of what humans do with each other. It's really sad to think about it. It's not much of a stretch to say that if you leave your house and do things, you're probably breaking some sort of law you don't know anything about.
The concept of left-right-centre was invented in France after the revolution, in the late 18th century. Now it is out of date and inadequate to describe most politicians and governments. I do not have a better system to replace the old model, but we really need to come up with something new.
YES! Great call @sterlinluxan!
I am living agorism, although you just taught me this term.
I live at @quinneaker's visionary @gardenofeden, and this is really happening here and now! Our small sustainable community's economy is built on the free exchange of resources, and it is succeeding with flying colors! In fact, we're so abundant in all things that it is a pleasure to share with those in need.
It's so exciting that you're talking about this and encouraging more people to LIVE their values! For me, life is MUCH more fulfilling when lived for relationships, community, and caring for each other, which is fostered in a sustainable market/exchange rather than getting crushed by the system.
It's a great concept, the free trade of goods and services without government regulation and interference. Historically that's how trade all started, but then the bureaucrats got involved and messed it all up.
I wish I was more socially inclined. A big aspect of agorism is establishing mutual trust through social cues and sub verbal communication. These are things I lack. But it's good for anyone who can get into it!
That's true. There is certainly a powerful communicative aspect to agorism. I mean, after all, some people have "agoraphobia." Haha.
I love this .
I love the idea in theory, and I've read about it before. I just wish there were more options for participating in this underground economy for introverts.
Agorism is the past, present and future. I always try to get what I need from people I know first, but in places like NYC this can actually be much trickier
Solid post Sir! Agorism is just voluntary trading, a principle all of humanity should support. Here is the agorist flag btw.