Exciting News! The Spokane Freedom Exchange Has a New Indoor/Outdoor Location

in #agora3 years ago

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Join the exchange for fresh food, bartering and more

The flyers for this weekend's for this weekend are available in picture format here and pdf format here. We will do another Tuttle Twins reading, so bring your kids. The reading will start @10:30.

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We'll have some warm food being served featuring items available at the exchange. Bring your silver coin(there is starting to be more in circulation within the exchanges regionally), crypto wallet, bartering items(consider buying jars instead of using cash) and if you only deal in the corporations fiat bring some cash although I'll warn you chances are it'll cost you 10-15% more than bartering or trading crypto or silver. There is not charge for sampling the food being cooked however if you enjoy the food and want to support that effort of our new young cooks. I'm would sure they would be very grateful of any support. Next time I'll include a pic of our young liberty loving creators contributing to the community.

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This Saturday after the exchange we'll be heading to our new future location at the Saltroom of Spokane on private property and very centrally located. We are going to put in a couple hours of work to get the space ready to host our future exchanges. This is exciting news and shows the exchange is growing. Come check out the new location after this weekends exchange and see what parallel economy looks like moving forward.

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