photocredit: @prettyjules158
Hello Africans!!!!
@wafrica is at it again to reward it's followers for writing great content. Gone are those days when your hardwork goes unnoticed. @wafrica doesn't only upvote original and well written article, it also provides a daily and weekly reward for the best article of the day and week.
He wrote about the abuse, cries,pains and suffering of an African child, the importance of a child, the tragedy of Chibok girls and his movement with other corpers to keep the girl child informed and prevent them from falling victim.
@tasauver "APPLE DELIGHT"
He wrote about the delicious and mouthwatering delight apple of his mother land Kashmir. The article contains a brief information about Kashmir, the varieties of an apple, cultivation process and its importance.
@fadiji09 "The old man by the stream: his advice"
A cultural story that portrays man's selfishness and greed. Moral lessons from the story :
- Be content
- Be considerate
- Don't bite more than you can chew
@edith4agelseu "ALL THAT GLITTER"
A beautiful piece of poetry which illustrate that all that glitter is not gold.
Big shout out to all that used @wafrica as tag,the followers and all that promote @wafrica in their own little way. Together we will reach the sky and build our dreams, stay awesome.
Follow @wafrica to keep up-to-date with its daily reward, get to read quality contents,get upvoted and stay informed. Ensure you use wafrica as one of your tags and your content must be more than 300 characters.
art work gifted to @wafrica by @artzanolino
@jeaniepearl reporting for @wafrica
The team curators includes;
@surfyogi @gloglo @nmalove @jeaniepearl
@chiama @prettyjules158 @lordjames @kofpato @steemgh @gee1
Congratulations @eddyson for earning the spot as winner for the day. I hope your efforts will be fruitful and wish you the strength to continue.
Lots of creative work out there in the west Africa community and great talent displayed. Let's keep Steeming, there's much more to come.
Congratulations @eddyson. You did a great job on your post.
Thanks @gee1. Please how do i join @wafrica. Its very nice to want to identify with Africa so that we can together make a great fortune and promote africa to the whole world.
Have said this before and am saying it again that Africa is so gifted and am proud to be a part of the movement. Imagine the beauty in this artworks. The steemit community should be ready for what is about to hit them as far as @artzone is concern.
Thanks to @surfyogi and congrats to @eddyson for the teardrop article.
Yea africa is blessed!
Am a proud african!
ThankGod for @wafrica as a platform to also promote these beautiful handworks.
Longlive wafrica!
Great work you are doing by supporting and motivating westafricans Thanks so much
Thumbs up to @wafrica for this great work, it's going to be a motivation for the Hardwork people put in their write-up and congratulations to the today's winner. Proud African!
Dreams coming true. Hmmmm amazing works @wafrica U'r amazing
I am proud to have you @wafrica
you give a gift every good post,
thank you for being my motivation in using steemit,
now i will always use #wafrica tag in my post,
I have created a post and tag I gave #wafrica
and accept to @surfyogi I say as deep as 👍👍👍
very nice and give a gift for steemit users,
nice job @wafrica I am very excited about using a steem account with the #wafrica tag
These are really beautiful works
Africa is indeed gifted.
But wait, I need to really get creative so I get featured soon too.
Great work wafrica
This is lovely. Congratulations to the winners and those mentioned, your efforts deserve it. I commend you. #wafrica is going places. Lovely initiative

I love artzanolino gift. Thanks @surfyogi