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RE: February ProgBlog #1: pingpong

in #aer5 years ago

Mesh topography is a constant nightmare that will never end. It always seems like there's a more and more efficient way to lay out your model, but then you get to the point where you've got so much funky stuff going on its easier to fix than start from scratch... but you spend more time fixing than what you would've done starting from scratch...

At least that was my experience in 3d modelling.

Great work!


I think I've more or less got the hang of a humanoid shape and then there's these bastiches with extra bits XD

Ergh I've lost count of the number of times I've started from scratch because it was a lot easier than trying to fix the epic mess I'd made x_x I think this one is easier to work on than start over (mostly because I really, really don't want to do the twisty horns from hell again and everything aside from the tail position and the borked mesh are pretty minor edits). I won't be using the sculpt mesh for anything other than retopo reference anyway because it's one of these


But yeh I'm starting to think that it's a very common experience with 3d modelling at least at the outset XD

Thanks ^_^