Suicide debate in my school
What should you do if someone confided in you that he wants to commit suicide?
Be a good listener , let him express how he feels. In many cases, though a suicide person is withdraw and not communicative. Acknowledge the reality of the pain or hopelessness that he is undergoing. If you gently mention some particular changes that you have noticed in his behavior, you may move him to open up and confide in you, while listening show empathy
It is important to stress that the person's life is important to you and to others the advisers of U.S centers for disease Control (CDC). Let him know how his death would devastate you as well as others. Help the person to see that his creator cares about him. Some also recommend removing anything that the person might use to commit suicide firearms in particular. If the situation seems serious, you may want to encourage the person so seek medical attention. In extreme cases you may have little choice but to summon some kind of emergency medical service yourself
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