What is Safelist Advertising and Why You Should Use it?

in #advertising4 years ago


On my blog post My Blueprint in Making Money Online I mentioned a method which is called Safelist Advertising. The reason why I recommended this type of advertising because it is beginner-friendly (if you can click, copy and paste, you can do it). It is low cost so low risk especially good when you are starting.

You can add with all these benefits are the opportunities for you to see many types of advertising. It will work as a training ground on how to enhance your copywriting skills.

Every time you see an ad copy that ticks your interests that could only mean that it has good elements to it. Study its style and approach, this way you would improve how to write your sales letters on your own. Experience is a very good teacher and you being exposed to advertising inside will gain you experience in a massive way.

What and Who is it for?


So one of the first things you maybe are asking is what is Safelist and how does it work? Safelist members just like you and me, are generally interested to make money using the online methods. Basically we agree, to receive emails that contain offers from other online marketers and in return we can send them our own.

Safelist Advertising then only works mostly on products with make money online from home opportunities or tools you can use to do the same. That’s why my recommended product for this is TrafficWave autoresponder tool. To know more about TrafficWave and its income opportunity. You can read my blog post here: TrafficWave Autoresponder Review. Scam or Legit?

Use it and See if it’s Working for You.

Use it and See if it's Working for You..jpg

To really learn the ins and outs of Safelist Advertising, you should get inside and check out how it can benefit your online campaign. Join as a FREE member if you want but to get the most value of your time, I recommend that you become an upgraded member later on.

Usually there is a One Time Offer when you join good Safelist exchange. You can email admin, later on, to get same value for money offer when you think you are ready.

To get your feet on the water, here are the top 3 Safelist sites I highly recommend. There are hundreds out there starts with these first. Safelist Advertising can eat up your time so it is very important to just join sites where you get most results.

My Top Recommended Safelist Advertising Sites.

If you are just starting, I recommend a few first. Don't get overwhelmed and as you get the hang of it, you can add more later. These are my top 3 recommended sites.

First on my list is Free Advertising For You . The reason why it is my number one site is because of its Click-Through Rate. This is the percentage of people who actually clicked your link when you send them ads. Sort of the efficiency of your sent emails. After all, there is no sense you sending a lot of emails without people bothering to see it.

The second on my list is Mister Safelist by Jerry Iannuci. Jerry Iannuci is quite active in the Safelist Advertising space, he is the author of Safelist Marketing Tactics, a free report on how to use Safelist Advertising.

Also Jerry releases his monthly rankings of Safelists. He uses it himself and shares his results every and ranks the Safelists according to the results he got for that particular month. A great way to gauge what Safelist to use at that of the year.

The third or the last but not the least is the State of The Art Mailer (SOTAM). They have active members because of their proprietary system called the escalation button. Members upgrade or get the button by accomplishing tasks or being active in the member area.

On March 30th, State-Of-The-Art-Mailer celebrated it’s 10thyear online. It has been one of the most active mailers on the net with 40,326 members, 1.7 trillion email ads sent, and 60 million ads clicked since inception.

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