Hello Steemit this is my first blog post!
Hello World!
Hello World!

I am a new account here that aims to bring you a kind of content that I found lacking on Steemit. My goal is to share all kinds of content with you, specifically I want to take you on my travels, share my photography and help keep people informed on current events that I find interesting and/or important.
The kind of content that I will be bringing to this includes travel tips, hacks, how-to's, current events, photography and much much more. I want to share my experiences with the world and I hope you will find what I post both interesting and informative!
Why am here?
As aforementioned I said that I want to share my content with a larger audience. On my other website, http://www.vonvagabond.com I aim to do the same thing but I have less flexibility in what I can post there. So this platform allows me the freedom to post more content that I wouldn't normally be able to make.
Contact and construction
If you think that you have something you would like to see on my profile that isn't there, or just have feedback I would love to hear it! You can message me through the comments on my posts, Steemit chat, my own website http://www.vonvagabond.com, and link in bio, or my Twitter at https://twitter.com/MaxJameVon .
Au Revoir!
💻 www.vonvagabond.com
📢 twitter.com/MaxJameVon
📷 cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2017/05/24/11/40/desert-2340326_1280.jpg
📷 cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2015/03/21/14/34/silhouette-683751_1280.jpg
Awesome post! Do not give up and stay Consistent and you’ll have amazing success here 😊🙏 enjoy this beautiful day :)!
Thanks that is really appreciated!!!
Wow, very nice pictures. Upvoted!
Alas, the ones in this post are not mine so I do not take credit for them. I am saving my photos for a future post as I didn't have any that fit the theme this post per say and I don't want to reuse mine over and over. Keep tuned because I'll post some soon! Thanks