Exploring an Army Base Mountain Biking - Discovering a Green Giant!

in #adventure6 years ago (edited)

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Concealed at the back of a military base in Bangkok lies a superb assault course to test out your mountain biking prowess. The military base is called 'Club 11'and is an off-road 3.8 km dirt track, that winds between the trees and balances itself between several large ponds. If you are a keen mountain biker spending a few days in Bangkok and looking for that biking fix, this is the place for you!

Club 11 can be found using Google maps, by searching for 'Club 11 BB gun' or 'Club 11' as the military base also offers BB gun shooting, paint balling, a gun range (gulp, not a favourite of mine), RC car racing and kayaking. The rate for entry is a mere 100 Baht to ride all day, if you take your own bike(Bargain!) You can also rent a hardtail (front suspension bike)
for around 200 Baht for the whole day, which really is a fantastic deal!

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On this particular biking mission I was running solo, but as an intrepid explorer this would not stop me! My fellow biking friends had consumed one too many craft beers the previous evening, I left them early in the night, knowing a hangover could impede my performance.

Bursting with excitement like a child waiting for toys at Christmas, I pedalled past the army centurions on duty at the gate and a few other points leading to the sacred track. I didn't take any pictures, as they had rifles and I'm not a fan of guns! But don't worry, they will let you straight through if you are on a bike and if you take a taxi they may ask for I.D.
A lot of the younger soldiers will smile or point you in the right direction.

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Near the beginning of the track

The track is laced with features such as; bridges( above picture), roots, trees, switchbacks, berms, wall rides, drops, table tops, fly offs and other moving visitors which I will come to a little bit later in the article. The 3.8 km track is strategically packed within a modest sized space with 'Military Precision', no surprise there! Just like the bike Park the track has 'chicken routes' (for the less adventurous) around all of the more challenging/ dangerous parts of the track, meaning it caters for the adrenaline junkies and the more liberal rider! I would take the bridge with caution on the first lap, as my riding buddy found out the hard way! Last year we were riding and my friend decided to break hard when descending from the bridge. I turned around to see 'The Swamp Thing' pulling itself out of one of the ponds, covered in green algae. You can always push the bike over this section if necessary.

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The bridge - The birth site of: The Swamp Thing!

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The green algae filled pool on the right is where the creature arose from.

The following photos should give you an idea of the tracks features, my plan was to shoot a series of action shots of my friend and myself going over the various features, I promise to do that in the next few weeks!

Wallride feature leading in and out of a corner towards an approaching jump!

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This gap jump has caught a few people out, it has next to no run up!

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The face of a drop-off, the sign says 'Danger!'

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Approach to another gravity flyer!

The following are of some more relaxed parts of the track, it isn't all jumps!

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Aside from the joys of railing yourself around the grin-inducing track there are a few other aspects which will keep you on your toes and create a lasting memory.

During my first 3 laps of the track, something large and green caught my eye in the middle section of the course and it hadn't moved. It was a large specimen and I decided to slow down on my fourth lap to investigate further. I slowed down at the same spot to come across a colossal-sized monitor lizard. There were several on the track that day and they soon scuttle off into the depths of the algae ridden pools when a bike approaches!

But not in this case, this sleeping beast seemed to be frozen on the banks and hadn't moved for a good hour and a half!

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The sleeping giant, who was polite enough to let me take a snap before slipping away!

Club 11 also has many friendly local riders, one rider was very welcoming, telling me about the riding community they have and they often meet up. I later found his photo on the track's Facebook page to my wife's hysteria, as she explained to me that he was a famous Thai-Pop Star of the past! I was none the wiser and I am sure that is the reason he lets off steam at Club 11. Anyhow all the people there are a lovely bunch and you will be welcomed with open arms, just remember not to stop in the middle of the trail!

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Club 11 has a shop and a resting area to supply you with all your refreshment needs! I would avoid the kitchen though, as I ended up with a case of Bangkok Belly a few hours after eating there! Best to stick to the crisps/potato chips and ice-cold drinks. Oh and be prepared to hear gun shots from the shooting range, I forgot and the sound sent shivers through my spine!

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If you are a biker/explorer/adventurer or just fancy something different, check it out because you won't be disappointed, but you may need a rest after each lap, I certainly do on every visit!

Well Steemians, thank you so much for reading my blog, it is truly appreciated. If you enjoyed this, don't forget to upvote and follow to see more exploring in Thailand.

(All photos in this post are originals of my own unless stated.)

Keep exploring!


That looks like a fun trail. I love the wallride feature and the ramp over the gully. It seems like there is a lot of variety packed into just 3.8K.

Yeah, it is a good track and very windy! They packed a lot of features into the space they have, but it has a lot of water around it and floods after heavy rain!

Thanks for sharing your thrilling ride sir. And congratz for earning a lot in just 1 awesome post! :D

Thanks @vanj, it has been a while since I put up a big post and I have a few more big bike rides to post and future rides to go on soon!

that's great. keep on exploring! : )

wow! It looks like and incredible ride, so much adrenaline. Thanks for sharing!

Your welcome, glad you liked it!

Wow! It's just awesome!
If I could, I would enjoy traveling to these beautiful places. I'm sure there's something to see. Probably, and the air there is wonderful. Thank you for being immersed in this atmosphere.

To be honest the air is pretty poor there, as this is still within Bangkok, but it is nice to be within the greenery.

Super cool adventure! The trail looks so stunning. Weren’t you afraid of that sleeping giant 😱 ??

They are harmless and generally mind their own business, if anything they will run away, as they will be scared of bikes, although I have almost run a few over on a couple if occassions!

Makes me want to go out and ride on the weekend. Nice post

This track will be unrideable after the heavy rain for the last few days!

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