5 days to freedom!
Have you ever wanted to quit your job, sell all of your stuff and travel the world? Well that is exactly what my fiance and I are doing. In 5 short days we will finally be leaving this old life behind to embark on a new journey in life. For the first time in our lives we will truly be free. No jobs, no bills, no homes, nothing but a pocket full of cash and big dreams for the future!

We are leaving our first home behind early Wednesday morning as we start our travels. It seems almost surreal that less than a week my entire life will change. No more talking about how the future is going to be, it will be time to put all those plans to action. All of the goals we have been working towards are being reached and starting to pay off. Our new life is beginning and for the first time in my life I feel truly free!
I'm sad to be leaving this house because I have put tons of work into it, I personally remodeled the whole thing myself from top to bottom so everything is basically brand new. But I guess ultimately that's why I we can afford to do this, because I put all of that effort into fixing this house up by myself, now I get to reap the rewards. I never imagined all of those late nights of work on the house after working 8-10 hr days would one day be the fuel that helps us reach our dreams. Crazy how life works out, you can never guess the future but when you turn around and look at the path from your past, it seems like it was so obvious!?! I guess that's why they say hindsight is 20/20.
Anyways, the house will be put up for sale the day we leave by a realtor, hopefully it will sell fast so we can buy the RV we want and start our travels sooner rather than later. As for now we are going to Arizona to stay with my parents in their winter home. Even though we are not traveling just yet, we couldn't handle another cold winter in Wisconsin so we figured we would go south (where it is warmer) while we waited for the house to sell. We will still start some adventures as soon as we get to Arizona, we have found all kinds of places we want to explore so get ready for some awesome pictures and cool stories! But we probably won't be in the RV for a few more months to be realistic :/ but that should go by fast and that will give us time to properly plan the route we want to take around the country.
We will be visiting a lot of national parks to start. We will go to a lot of hidden places that most people aren't willing to go. We will hike the distances to see the unseen, to get to the mystic waterfalls and secret caves. We really want to see the side of america that people don't take the time to see. We have been making a list of amazing places we have to visit and it is getting way to long to list, so if you are interested you will just have to wait and see ;)
I still can't believe in only 5 days my new life begins! This is the most exciting thing I have ever done in my life.
Dare to DREAM
Peace, love and all that hippie shit
Did exactly that 15 years ago, bought a truck and kept on driving until i arrived in India :-). Will follow your coming adventures...
India huh? How fricken cool! I hope when our travels end one day that we end up on the other side of the world. Thanks for following along friend :) im sure ull have some good avice for me along the way..
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Keep it up!
All the best!
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Super stoked for you man, that is awesome! If you guys head up my way in WA, let me know and we'll have to meet up. There's some phenomenal places to check out up here :)
Hell yeah bro. We actually do plan on spending a few weeks up in washington because one of my best friends from childhood lives there. So we should definitely meet up, that would be awesome! U could show us all the cool places when we get there, because my friend has 4 kids so shes not gonna be much of a tour guide! Lol.
Absolutely, it'd be a blast. I recommend late July through mid September. That's the best time to get back into some of the amazing spots up here. Summers up here just can't be beat. I know a few different mind blowing spots that sound exactly like what you're looking for.
We figured summer was when we wanted to travel the northern parts of the country anyhow, we are tired of the cold having lived in wi these past few years.
So that will work out perfect! :) hell yeah!
I can guarantee you won't be disappointed :)
Thats what i like to hear! ;)
Congratulations on your move and on your bravery too! It's healthy to keep our levels of attachment "in-check" as they say. Good luck with selling the house. No more cold for you! I know how you feel.
I recently did a road trip from Wisconsin. Trinidad Colorado was a fun place for a good bucket list item to get checked off.
I highly recommend an Air BnB called Blue Dragon Inn located in Cimarron, New Mexico. It's a beautiful city and I hear the winters are mild. Snow melts quickly and the sun shines bright. Arizona is beautiful too.
Have fun!
Have a safe travelling...
be sharing with your experiences and photos ...(
Thanks! I definitely will :)
Prize delivered!:)))
Stay awesome!:)
WHAAAT!!!! HOLY SHIT!! THANK YOU BRO! I wasnt expecting anything that big.. u just made my day.. thank you :)
hehe call it #therealsupport!
No prob was my pleasure!
Dude, that is frickin awesome, good for you and fiance. Life is now truly what you make of it... have fun and stay co bud.
Thanks bro! We are so stoked to start this epic adventure. I feel that most people just kinda drift thru life not experiencing all that it has to offer. So we are going to do our best to make our lives truly amazing instead of just ordinary. We will stay safe, thanks for all the support :)
Damn, wish you two the best of luck! Hope to follow your way at some point and just pack my stuff and start traveling. Anyhow, hope everything will go smoothly for you, Cheers!
Thanks friend! and hey, no time like the present ;)
Sounds great. Do you plan to do any traveling overseas or just within the US? How about Alaska and Hawaii?
We are starting our first year off here in the states, we might hit hawaii towards fall next year, but no alaska as of right now.. after that costa rica for a few months to regroup and then the world traveling will start :)