Flavored waters and their properties

in #adventure6 years ago


Natural and home made, mineralized waters are a tasty way to hydrate in a healthy way. Excellent in summer and in warm months, they are refreshing and very tasty for all occasions. Fresh infusions represent a pleasant alternative to pure water to guarantee daily hydration with a different flavor. Flavored waters can be prepared at home with seasonal fruits and vegetables, even adding fresh herbs and spices. Their preparation is very simple and can be customized according to your tastes and the beneficial effect you want to achieve. Just choose your favorite ingredients and the right mix to create unique and exquisite drinks on the palate. Pleasantly scented and pleasantly tasty, as well as colored, they are also easy to prepare.

How to prepare them, right amount of ingredients and methods
The optimal proportion to prepare a perfect flavored drink is 200 grams of fruit or vegetables, for 1 liter of water. This is to have the right balance in the taste of the various ingredients that make it up, as well as to determine the intensity of color you want to achieve. Pineapple, kiwi, peach, watermelon, melon, grapes, mint, cinnamon, pear, apple, lemon, oranges, grapefruit, cherries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, cucumbers, ginger, celery, carrots, fennel, but not bananas . All the ingredients must be fresh and in season, they must first be washed thoroughly, even using baking soda, to remove any impurities. Fruits and vegetables, should be cut into thin slices, the spices left intact and the leaves of fresh and whole herbs. Once it is made up, the mineralized water must be kept in the refrigerator for at least two hours, preferably in a glass jar, preferably sealed with an airtight cap. If it had been sterilized in boiling water before, it would be perfect. Otherwise, a simple glass pitcher is also fine. Once the necessary time has elapsed, which can even be six hours to let the water acquire the right aroma, our fresh infusion is ready. The flavored water must then be filtered and consumed within the same day.

Different benefits for different ingredients, based on tastes
Depending on the ingredients chosen, delicious flavored waters are obtained with different beneficial effects. Moisturizers, rich in vitamins and mineral salts, which can have a detoxifying effect on our body, or give us energizing support. Stimulating body metabolism and thus promoting weight loss, as well as facilitating the elimination of fluids in fighting cellulite and water retention. The individual ingredients are useful to detoxify our body, purify ourselves from toxins, help digestion, burn fat and, in general, improve vital functions thanks to the vitamins and mineral salts they contain. By choosing the right combination of ingredients, synergistic effects can be achieved. If desired, flavored waters can be sweetened with honey, agave or maple juice, or stevia. It is better, however, to leave them "nature" to benefit to the maximum. The recipes are numerous, giving ample space to imagination and improvisation, based on personal tastes.

Ten top recipes
Pineapple and kiwi. Diuretic and detoxifying. Combats water retention and reduces cellulite. Two slices of fresh pineapple, a kiwi cut into slices in 1 liter of water. Leave a whole night to rest in a carafe of water and drink the next day early in the morning.

Also read: Pineapple rescues defenses

Blackberries and pink grapefruit. Depurative and antioxidant. A handful of freshly picked blackberries, half a pink grapefruit in thin slices, a liter of water. Let it sit for a whole day and drink as you like.

Ginger and lemon. Digestive and stimulating. A 2 cm piece of fresh ginger root (removing the rind) cut into thin slices, half organic lemon, with the peel also washed well and cut into slices, in 1 liter of water, left 12-24 hours in the fridge . Drink throughout the day.

Also read: The purifying qualities of ginger

Strawberries and mint. Quenching and regenerating. Put 5 or 6 large whole strawberries in a glass jar and pour over 1 liter of fresh water. Add a few well-washed mint leaves. Close the jar tightly and leave in the fridge one night or a whole day. A few slices of lemon to taste.

Blueberries and lime. Refreshing and regenerating. A handful of wild blueberries, a lime cut into thin slices in 1 liter of water. Let it sit overnight in the refrigerator. Drink as you like during the day.

Watermelon and melon. Quenching and moisturizing. A slice of watermelon and one of melon cut into cubes, add 1 liter of water. Fresh mint and / or lemon leaves to taste. Let it rest in the refrigerator for a few hours and drink on hot days.

Apple and cinnamon. Detox and fat burning effect. Cut a golden apple into thin slices, a whole cinnamon stick and add 1 liter of water in a glass carafe. Let it rest in the fridge for two hours.

Cucumber and lemon. Anti-inflammatory and depurative. A cucumber cut into thin slices, half a lemon squeezed or thinly cut, in a liter of water. Leave in the fridge 4-6 hours and drink to taste.

Read also: Cucumbers, fight water retention and fat accumulation

Carrots and celery. Tanning and skin cleansing. It stimulates the production of melanin and protects the epidermis. Choose three medium carrots and cut them into thin slices, a stalk of celery also cut thin, always in a liter of water. Allow half a day to rest and drink once ready.

Peach and cherries. Aromatic and refreshing. A peeled peach cut into small cubes and a few whole cherries or cut in half without stones, in 1 liter of water. Leave to rest in the fridge for a few hours in a closed jar. Then serve as a drink for a summer snack.

Fashion Wild Mixologist right recipe to live better !!!!!!!!!