King's Arrow

in #adventure6 years ago
Chapter 2   

 I was on an outpost training with two soldiers. On the same day, the princess was reported missing from the Kingdom of Aluma, just a few days before the incident of the princess’ death. The King sent out an all-out search for the princess, he did all he could in his power. He announced a bounty for the company that would happen to find his daughter, and has done a whole kingdom search. But she was not found, until a few days later on the day of the incident. The princess was found dead in the area of an Ediaman outpost, the same outpost where I trained. But I assure you, we had no intention of killing her.

 On the day of the incident, a girl walked out of the forest and walked towards our post, she had long flowing hair, fair skin, and most of all, a beauty that would proudly announce royalty. She wore a red dress fitting her beautiful appearance, containing the symbol of Aluma. She showed signs of hunger, dehydration, and fatigue. But her most noticeable feature was her blank stare, it was as if she was staring pass everything. One of the soldiers, Oripe, approached the girl and asked “ are you all right miss?” but she never answered back, and instead walked closer. “MISS, are you all right?” added Oripe, but she never listened and still continued with her pace, still bearing with her the blank stare she had. It was as if she was out of her mind. Seeing her poor condition, Juna, one of the guards, tried to get close to her to offer aid, but the girl stopped just a few paces from where they stood. Everything was off with the girl, aside from her blank stare, she had with her an evil aura. 

But it was not what shocked us; it was when the girl pointed each of the guards. She looked at them one by one with her blank stare and grinned. A small white sphere about the size of a pebble appeared at the tip of her index fingers. Oripe and Juna looked at each other in complete befuddlement. The pebble-sized sphere on her left started to glow soft red while the one on the right turned black. Oripe and Juna raised their shields in the sight of the unknown glow in her hands. They stood back and warned the princess to stop what she was doing, ”whatever it is that you may be trying to do, I suggest you stop it now Ma’am, or we will be forced to attack” said Oripe . Seconds after his warning, the red glowing sphere launched from the girl’s finger and hit Juna’s shield. Upon impact, the sphere grew and engulfed the shield in flames, his shield started to glow bright red. 

He felt the heat of the flame getting stronger, as his shield started to melt. He threw away his shield and dashed towards the girl to attack. He swung his sword to hit the girl in her left shoulder but she took a quick side step to the right making Juna miss his swing but with her right finger still pointing at Oripe. The girl then shoved Juna with her left hand, but what seemed to be a normal push launched Juna up in the air and landed a few feet behind the girl. After seeing the action, Oripe charged toward the girl with his shield in front and sword on the side ready to attack, but before he reached the girl, the sphere from the girls finger flew towards him. When the sphere reached Oripe’s shield, it expanded and engulfed him in a much larger sphere except for his hand holding the sword. The sphere then imploded in itself and disappeared into thin air, leaving Oripe’s hand holding his sword lying in the ground, with blood dripping from the cut. I was shocked from what I saw and shot a single arrow to the direction of the girl from the outpost tower where I stood. 

 The arrow landed a few meters before the girl, she looked down to the arrow and tilted her head in confusion. Embarrassed by my shooting skills, I quickly reloaded and shot the next. The arrow hit the girl in the neck, but surprisingly, she just pulled it off like it was nothing at all. But the thing that shocked us most is the fact that instead of a hole dripping with blood, there were no signs of wounds or any scratches from the girls’ fair skin at all. Her left hand glowed again, and pointed it to the tower, but there was no sphere of darkness or fire that came from her hands, and instead, a circle formed a few meters above the tower. Inside the circle was a star. Within a second, the star flashed and the circle turned black. From the black circle slowly emerged a giant boulder, the boulder slowly progressed out of the circle. Seeing this, I quickly descended the stairs of the tall tower skipping a few steps on the way down. As I was nearing the exit of the tower, I heard a crushing sound coming from the roof of the tower which I assumed as the boulder crashing into the tower’s brick roof. I hurried to the exit in the hopes of reaching it but the boulder has already crushed most of the building and is quickly catching up to my position. The sound grew louder and louder and when I looked up, the massive stone was just an arms length away.