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RE: ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Creating Value - Part 10 -Finale

in #adsactly6 years ago

The Internet has changed the world a lot, like so much since it was invented. It keeps on evolving and has made the world even more reachable.It also made the everything moves in haste.
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Internet is one of the best discovery of all time, like discovering how to use electricity, metal machinery and lots.
Now, a new invention will surely impact the lives of all people and how we live. It is the "cryptocurrency".
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Why? The world is hungry of what we called "World Peace". It has been an all time issue in every country how gain world peace. They have developed laws and rules just to keep the peace inside their govern. And I guess the CRYPTOCurrency will surely play a big role in this issue.
Crimes is the reason why we can't attain world peace. And one reason crimes are present is due to MONEY. Tangible moneys has drawn a lot of ideas how to commit crime, that is why people has developed a lot of ways to make everything cashless. But one problem is, you don't have a full sight of where your money and what is your money doing. People complained that banks are using them to invest to somethings.
But with CRYPTOCURRENCY is different, just imagine a world with no crime, no hold-ups and roberry because your moneu is cashless and you can track every single transaction that you are doing. A full visibility of your financies and no banks are using them. Because it it decetralized blockchain there is no third party companies that is holding your money and have a full authority when to and where to use your financies.

That's all my thoughts @adsactly. That is how this Cryptocurrency will blast the world we will live in the future.

We made it up to TOP 50 and for sure we will keep on climbing up.
