RE: ADSactly on ADSACTLY - part #24
How interesting your publication, imagine here in Venezuela the support we have with the currency in gold, oil and the part of the mining mine that is being exploited indiscriminately by government and foreign companies, about 15 days or less ago, publishes a post about a currency that is circulating in a Caracas parish called January 23 here in Venezuela, this currency has the name of "Honeycomb" and circulates only in this community "It is a Communal Currency" and has as support the rice that produces in plantations in San Juan de Los Morro Guárico state, that currency has three denominations and some merchants such as Abastos, bakeries, supermarkets, box sales are using this currency.
I write this because your article catches my attention when it says "That is only real because we decided to believe in it, but in reality the concept of money was based on an illusion" you can visit my publication and see that currency, thanks for sharing this information so important
Thank you for your contribution! We will see even more of this in years to come. It is up to us to fight the system and establish a new, fair monetary system.
I share your opinion and I think it is the least harmful way in the matter of the economy for society, hopefully the conscience of this movement is created that more and more, especially I am fascinated with Steem and surely my plans is to invest in this digital currency, be aware of your publications, have a happy year
@esquinacreativa very true. i agree with you 100%

some intellectual suggested me long back "do not bother about your money position. it is a myth. currency has no value. it is the value attributed by government and you fools started accepting it. it is just a piece of paper - with a fine print on it". this post reminded me the same.
I was wondering how people in Venezuela feel about the Petro? Anything you could share would be appreciated.
If of course I'm going to share something about the digital currency of Venezuela, I'll publish it in a few minutes.
Thank you, I am ashamed of how the US government has treated your people. I was wanting to buy Petros to be supportive of Venezuela. Any information from on the ground would be appreciated. Best of luck to you I will be watching for your post.
I already published.
Another thing longsilver , the Venezuelan government sells to the world an image of something that is not real, that I tell you with all security, I will look for the publication of an article that I reviewed a long time ago and you will see how our country does not advance in the social and economic politics
If you are interested you can search this article where the misuse of the policies of the Venezuelan government is published. Venezuelanhttp: //
Thanks, I had to use google translate because I don't read spanish but I think I got idea. I am wondering what is the root cause. I know US sanctions are hurting everyone in Venezuela and I know the US secret government has been undermining any attempts to make things better. If fact a quick read of the US newspapers show that US leaders are proud of their sanctions and the harmful effects they have on the people of Venezuela. But that being said from your point of view there anything I can do to help.
Ok, I explain, the sanctions of the United States to Venezuela is largely for the government officials who are involved in acts of corruption, as explained in the article that I published, of course, that affects the economic resources of the low population, but The government wants to isolate itself by violating international leyes, no they want to explain to anybody that defends human rights
Thanks for the info. I am following you and appreciate your post.
thank you @longsilver I also follow you, here we are to help us achieve many goals in Steemit, that you have a happy year in the company of your family and the people who love