Rape and it's effects

Rape means forcefully attempt sexual activities on a person without their permissions, approval or willingness. It is a type of sexual assault involving sexual intercourse, sexual violence or penetration ( this penetration could be vagina, anal or oral). Sexual violence is a deed in which a person touches someone sexually through the use off force or violence. However, sexual molestation and rape is quite similar. Molestation also means to physically abuse someone sexually especially minors. Another name for molestation is sexual abuse.
Rape is quite an unpleasant event. Women and children are actually the major victims of rape, however, it can happen to anyone such as children, youths, adults male or females, disabled one's or may include the blind, the crippled, the dumb, the deaf, etc.
However, their disabilities often make them prone to sexual assaults or abuse. They may not be able to defend themselves, hence they become victims of rape or sexual violence.
Healthy people on the other hand are still at risk to assaulter. They may be sexually assaulted, molested or abused. This may include vaginal penetration anal or oral.
Children can be abused by parents, guardian, teachers or siblings. Below are some signs that shows that a child is sexually abused, they include;
- Sleeping problems
- Self harm
- Bed wetting
- Loss of appetite
- Nightmares or day dreaming
- Bleeding in the genitals.
The signs to detect if a person is being sexually abused is similar in the case of males, females and elders. They are all adults hence their signs of being abused are alike, they include;
- Bruising
- Soreness
- Difficulty in bleeding
In other words, being sexually abused has it's effects, they include the following below;
- Unwanted pregnancy in females
- Transmission of STD'S such as HIV/AIDS, Gonorrhea syphilis etc.
- In the process of sexual assault or molestation the victim might die
- Depression
- Guilt.
Prevention against rape
- Always tell your parents or guardian if you notice anybody pestering you for sex.
- Be very careful of how you take alcohol and drugs in public places because abusers can take advantage of people who are intoxicated
- Becareful with those you meet on social media
- If you notice that your guardian is acting strangely towards you in a sexual manner, report to your parents or look for help
- Never hesitate to report the the police if you're being rapped by someone.
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