Live Your Life as If You Are in a Film
Live Your Life as if You are in a Film
Do you ever wish that you could be an actor, a superhero, or the hero of your own story?
The cool thing is that you can. You can cast your own story and cast yourself as the leading character in your story.
Add a little music to the mundane chores that you do throughout the day. You will be daydreaming, singing, and dancing in no time.
Why let things be mundane and boring, when you can let them be exciting and extraordinary. Get your kids or loved ones in on the fun. They will suddenly look at you in a new light and be more willing to accommodate you in other areas when you make things fun and silly.
Don’t bury your nose in your phone or your computer. See your life as an important role you are playing where you should show the people around you how to enjoy every single moment, and all of the ways that you can make things great.
Meet people you care about for lunch. Have a few playdates with your friends or your children’s friends. Go to public places and enjoy other people. If you are shy, people watching is sometimes just as fun as participating in a conversation yourself.
Like an actor or actress in a movie, flash a warm smile to everyone that you meet. Don’t be like the other mediocre people next to you, be a shining star and make eye contact, and hold the door open for someone else.
When someone does something special for you, pay it forward. Your positive attitude can cause someone else to have a great day. Your small act of generosity toward someone else will set off a chain reaction.
Instead of a lot of grumpy people in the world, you will cause a ripple effect of people who will smile and do something nice toward someone else.
Stop and smell the roses. Enjoy every moment like you would if you were watching someone else in that moment. Share the good times as well as the bad times.
Court your spouse again. Create romantic moments for the two of you. Enjoy the little things like a cup of hot chocolate together in front of the fireplace. Leave them love letters or post-it notes, or make them their favorite dish. Make them smile every time that they think of you!
Learn how to play. Play with yourself. Play with your children. Play with your spouse. Create magical moments, memories, and traditions with your family. Share things from your childhood that you know will make other people smile.
Take every moment to teach someone else something wonderful about yourself or a skill or hobby that will enrich their own life, like storytelling or fishing.
Learn to say the things that need to be said. Stop being shy or feeling awkward. Find your voice and your confidence. Learn to laugh at blunders that you make. Look at things in the now and know that the next scene is a different part of your story and a different part of your life.
Lean on those around you for support when you need it. They are the cast in your story and they are there to lend you a hand when you need it.
Once you complete all of these steps and become a happier, healthier you, other people will sit up and take notice. You will feel a newly found freedom that you never felt before, one that you never thought you were capable of having. Once you let go of negativity and procrastination and believe in yourself, you will open your eyes to new abilities and talents that you never thought possible. You will open up your mind to a world of possibilities that you could never have imagined.
Changing things in your own life toward a positive new you will make other people stop and take notice. They will begin to react differently toward you. They will be warmer, more open, more trusting, and more accepting, because they will feel an inner peace in you that was never there before. They will be more willing to be a part of your team and to help you in ways that you never thought possible to achieve your goals.
You will feel amazing and accomplish things that you have only dreamt of.
You will finally find your greater purpose in life and will finally be at peace in the world. You will experience the joy and success that, until now, you have only seen others experience.
Welcome to a whole new world and welcome to the rest of your life.
So what are you waiting for?
Today is the first day of the rest of your life!
Article by @hopehuggs

Interesting :)
I love this! Spread the love! Positive thoughts and love are contagious.
This is the nicest post I see in steeemit!!! Congrats men. That´s the philosophy you must follow
It's really motivated me and your all the word here force me to show my self to world and it's real that you said we all are hero just shoot you very movement and post it .
The one thing which stop is my shy nature what should I do plz suggest me my friend
At first, when I read the title, I was just going to comment on how I like to curate private music playlists as a soundtrack to my life, but then I realized how real this article was. Thanks @adsactly for sharing this @hopehuggs article.
I think I'll let this bit of inspiration be my last Resteem of the night!
Your ideas @adsactly to live the life and enjoying the moment and being the real you and so on many many many many many more concept all these have a positive way to move further and farther and further it's great to read your post.
And the best way to do so, is to find ways of interacting with people (start within your comfort zone and Slowly move out of it to explore urself)
Good to find you and this piece of content on steemit!
I love this article and the message it contains. That's my very way of living since four years (when I moved from Germany to a small island).
A couple of months back I've started to write a book with a storyline very close to this post. It's about taking advantage of the chances we're given in life.
My approach: live life to the fullest without excess - because you only have one (supposedly) :-)

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Hello @adsactly I liked your last lines:
Today is the first day of the rest of your life!
Your post inspired me very much...#keepblogging