ADSactly World - Belarus - The last dictatorial bastion of socialism in Europe

in #adsactly7 years ago (edited)


The last dictatorial bastion of socialism in Europe

The Republic of Belarus is a country in the geographical centre of Europe. Many people often confuse it with Russia. But, it is entirely another country. In Belarus, there are many forests and therefore it is called the "lungs" of Europe. Among Europeans, there is an opinion that Belarus is a state in which socialism still exists. This is due to the policy of one person, which is not generally accepted in Belarus.


About the President


Alexander Lukashenko is the person many people have heard about. He was the winner of the anti-Nobel prize (Ig Nobel prize) and was awarded this non-honorable award for the prohibition of public applause. In Belarus it is forbidden to applaud in public places, except for places of exclusion.

An interesting fact: for violation of the ban on applause in the city of Minsk received a fine one-armed man.

Lukashenka is the first and only president of the country. He was repeatedly re-elected and at the moment is in power since 1994. He was re-elected 5 presidential terms and will soon elect himself again.

"Even if the whole world is against Lukashenko, he will still become president if he wants it."

  • A. Lukashenko

For such statements, in the West, Alyaksandr Lukashenka is called: "The Last Dictator of Europe". This is a person who has a strong and strong-willed character and is not used to listening to the opinions of others. Very often he does not please Belarusians with new taxes and "winged expressions".

"Did you ask for rain? I gave you rain."

  • A. Lukashenko

About his personal life, almost nothing is known. But in public, he likes to appear surrounded by young girls of model appearance. There are a lot of rumors about this. One thing is for sure, his health is excellent and he is not going to retire.

The main hobby of the president is hockey. That is why credit money, which should improve the economy, is spent on building ice palaces throughout the country. His team takes first place in the Belarusian hockey competitions. And the president himself can single-handedly score 10 goals in one game.


The closest people of Lukashenka are his children. He has three children and, under the "accidental" coincidence, two of them occupy large posts and hold a monopoly in public and private business.

Sons of the President

The youngest son is Nikolai Lukashenko.

This is the boy who was with his father at all important and business conferences, at meetings with the first persons of the states, met with the Pope, ran military exercises. Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev presented Nicholas with a registered gold pistol.

There are rumors that he is the future successor of the president of Belarus, but the president himself denies these rumors.

Another son - Alexander Lukashenko

He holds a high public office as chairman of the central council of the state association "Presidential Sports Club". He is also the head of all Belarusian lotteries.

The eldest son is Viktor Lukashenko

The elder son of the president holds the post of adviser to the president of Belarus on national security. Manages the Committee of State Security (KGB). According to unofficial data, he owns the monopoly of the largest chain of stores in the country.

Economy of Belarus

The economy of the republic exists only at the expense of constant monetary grants of other countries. Mainly due to the support of the Russian Federation and the Eurasian Stabilization and Development Fund.


An interesting fact: Some residents jokingly call the Belarusian economy "Lukanomika". This word is formed from the combination of the first letters of the president's surname and the word "economy".

The main way to earn money is refining. Belarus buys oil in the Russian Federation at low prices. This oil is processed at local refineries (oil refineries) and is sold to Europe several times more expensive. It's that simple.

Over the past 6 years, 26,235 individual entrepreneurs have completed their work in Belarus. People are not profitable to do business, big taxes and constant checks play a role.


During the time of Lukashenka's rule, the national currency - Belarussian ruble depreciated against the dollar at 99.98%. But different sources give different figures. The fact remains that the fall is strong. This affects the prices in the store. The trend is that prices are constantly rising, and wages are not. In 2017, the population's income fell. Imagine you were getting $ 500, and for the next month $ 250. Not pleasant, right? But this is not the first time, it was worse.

Unemployment tax - Presidential Decree No. 3

The last years in the country were mass reductions. The factories and enterprises became bankrupt and closed. The people were driven out into the street and the number of unemployed increased dramatically. This is not an easy time, the President of Belarus signed Decree No. 3 according to which every unemployed citizen must pay money to the state for being unemployed. This is both absurd and sad. Feast in Time of Plague. So it was until recently and will continue on.

This caused a wave of outrage among the residents of the country. In 2017, rallies of dissatisfied and embittered people were held throughout the country. People peacefully gathered and demanded one thing - Abolish the inhuman law and send the president to resign.


In response, an order was issued to brutally suppress growing discontent. The President called it "Get the raisins from the roll". Organizers of the rallies, right on the street and in front of passers-by people, were dragged into black minibuses and taken away in an unknown direction. Passers-by people managed to get a smartphone and broadcast what is happening on YouTube (If you want anyone can find such videos). Therefore, many people saw a real picture of the events on the air. People in civilian clothes (KGB) were not afraid of cameras and worked in crude form, adhering to the "policy of zero tolerance".

Interesting fact: In 2017 in the city of Grodno an invalid who was chained to a bed was fined for a fare without a ticket.

Eventually in the center of the capital, the city of Minsk, the last rally was to be held. But in the morning of the appointed day half of the city was blocked. The city was visited by prison cars, water cannons, special-purpose vehicles and military equipment. People were taken in cordon and divided into separate groups. After that, mass detentions began. Everyone was detained, from ordinary passers-by to old people. For greater persuasiveness, some people were beaten with truncheons.


As a result, the rally was completely suppressed. About 700 people were taken into custody (approximate figure). All were ordered to pay heavy fines. The president called all the dissatisfied and protesters "The Fifth Column" and the radicals. All participating militiamen and special forces received a good cash prize. Because of fear people did not gather in large numbers.

Decree No. 3 = Decree No. 1 - The unemployed again have to pay the state

Fortunately, the age of technology allowed to show the whole world what was really happening in the country. Pressure of the world community on these events, the introduction of sanctions allowed to weaken the operation of this law, and then to cancel. But they canceled only the name, and the meaning and purpose practically did not change.


An interesting fact: The Belarusian company was fined for an unlicensed version of the Microsoft Office. It was found that some decrees and decrees were printed on "pirate versions". It's funny.

Now under the amended law, every unemployed person is required to pay for each service that was previously free of charge. Calling an ambulance will be expensive, and if a person refuses to pay, the doctor has the right to refuse him treatment.

Is this fair? A person who has lost his job must pay for it to his state. The employment market does not offer a job, because it does not. If there are vacancies, then they are absolutely humiliating and low-paid. The official payment to an unemployed person, who is registered with the employment exchange, is $ 20 per month. But they will not be paid to you if you are not involved in labor.

On TV, we are told that, Belarus is a country for life ... but seeing the reality a question arises, is it so?

Authored by: Belarus Insider
(Author will not be curating this post for obvious reasons.)

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As a citizen of Belarus, ​i could confirm almost​ all of the article above. But on another hand​ we made some steps to a ​liberalization​ of the ​ economy.

For example - cryptocurrency law which makes Belarus one of the most liberal countries​ related to ICO's and cryptos.

Anyway - Belarus and government​ have a lot of work to do, but I​ have a ​positive thought​s.

@adsactly thanks for this helpful insight on the precarious socio-political state of Belarius. The truth is that under Lukashenka's infamous reign, Belarius has had the worst of times. It is saddening to remark that a time like this where the winds of social justice, equality and democracy or freedom are blowing across the length and breadth of the world, certain climes are still yet to be liberated from the shackles of socialism and political oppression.

It's high time the Stalinist architecture got pulled off and dictatorship overthrown. It will happen. Surely!

I read that he is the first and the only dictator of Belarus. Belarus is under his oppression since a long time.And I have also read about Minsk , and I have seen some pictures of the place and I think it's one of the most beautiful place on the earth. But to end his reign why not hold elections and elect someone worthy.

i think europeans and americans have created a system and are in a society where it is easy to create awareness on things regarding there political leaders. Going through the post just sums up what africans have been going is almost becoming a norm cause no one can stand against dictatorship, its so worse in africa that people are been killed, salaries aren't paid to civil servants, no jobs, no security, no electricity, no electricity, africa is definitely in political slavery.

A good insight about the socio-political happening in belarus. I follow europe news alot and I've been saddened about the level of poverty over there not aided by the fact that they have dictator instead of a democratic president. These people are being ruled like a modern slavery. But as all things must come to an end. They'll be freed someday from their chains and liberated from this socio-political oppression.
Spread love, hope and faith for belarus

Let someone tells Mr Lukashenko to read about Mohammed Gardafi. No man can reign forever!
As pathetic as the story of Belarus sounds to me, there is still an edge they have over my country Nigeria.. Belarus buys oil in the Russian Federation at low prices. This oil is processed at local refineries (oil refineries) and is sold to Europe several times more expensive... We have abundant of crude oil in Nigeria, but we lack this mentality. If only we can borrow this bright side of Belarus, we will be better than many developed countries. Thanks for this exposition @adsactly

Thank you for this useful insight on the precarious social and political situation of the Belarius. The truth is that in the notorious Lukashenka era, Pelarius was the worst of times. It is regrettable to note that this is a time when the winds of social justice, equality, democracy and freedom are blowing up the length and length of the world, but some of the atmosphere is still not free from the shackles of socialism and political oppression.
The time has come for the triumph of the Stalinist architecture and the overthrow of the dictatorship. Going to happen. Definitely!

Is sad true! My heart is with you Belarus 🇧🇾. I believe one day you would be independent!

Spread love ❤️ @Belarus

I lived in Belarus for half a year, when I was younger. Minsk is beautiful, but if you travel outside of the city, you find a lot of poverty and people struggling

Thanks for the info!

We as citizens of this world, what can we contribute or share to help each other?

RECOGNIZE THE GLOBAL PART OF WHO YOU ARE: All of our lives have become globalized; whether through the Internet, the way in which we’re impacted by the global economy; our desire to provide humanitarian assistance to disaster victims in countries other than our own; or even in our love of world art,music, food, and travel. We all have a part of us that is global. Examine your own life, recognize its global dimension, and reflect on how that affects your view of the world.

EXPAND YOUR DEFINITION OF COMMUNITY: Because of the many ways in which countries and people are now so interconnected, we all are now part of an emerging world community. This doesn’t mean that we have to give up being a member of other communities, e.g., our town, our country, our ethnicity. It means that we have another community—the world community—to which we now belong. Find ways to celebrate your connection to this community.

DISCOVER THE VALUES OF THE WORLD COMMUNITY: Every community needs to have values, and the world community is no exception to this rule. The values of the world community reflect the moral ideals that most of us believe in as the basis for human existence; for example human rights, religious pluralism, participatory governance, protection of the environment, poverty reduction, sustainable economic growth, elimination of weapons of mass destruction, prevention and cessation of conflict between countries, humanitarian assistance, and the preservation of the world’s cultural diversity. Take stock of your belief in these values. Are you aware of ways in which the world as a whole is trying to live by them?

BECOME AWARE OF GLOBAL POLICIES AND PROGRAMS: Whether you realize it or not, all around you, policies and programs are being developed to help govern our emerging world community. Such policies range in scope from international treaties that ban the spread of nuclear weapons to administrative rules and regulations governing the internet. Learn about these policies and programs by subscribing to publications such as GCitizen, the Newsletter of The Global Citizens’ Initiative (

ENGAGE WITH THE ORGANIZATIONS THAT ARE TRYING TO GOVERN THE WORLD: As a global citizen you should try and build awareness about the different organizations, which are making the policies shaping our world community. These organizations include international agencies, like the United Nations and the International Monetary Fund, legal tribunals like the World Court and the International Criminal Court, international professional associations like the The International Federation of Accountants or the International Civil Aviation Organization, and transnational corporations like Starbucks, Hindustan Lever, and Smith/Kline/Glaxo. Try to learn about and engage with these organizations and make sure that they are operating in accordance with the values we perceive to be important.

PARTICIPATE IN AN ADVOCACY EFFORT FOR GLOBAL CHANGE: Sign petitions, join demonstrations, contribute funds, and explore other ways of advocating for global change. As global citizens we need to join together to express the fact that people across the planet share common views when it comes to basic values such as human rights, environmental protection, and the banning of weapons of mass destruction. The Global Citizens’ Initiative (TGCI) is an organization that provides information and opportunities for global citizens to join together and advocate for change.

HELP ENSURE YOUR COUNTRY’S FOREIGN POLICY PROMOTES GLOBAL VALUES: Global citizens also are citizens of the countries in which they were born and live. As such we have the ability to influence the positions that our countries take on global issues. We need to help ensure that our country’s foreign policy supports the building of equitable global solutions to world problems; solutions that work for all countries. So let your government know how you feel by supporting leaders who want their countries to become engaged with the world, not isolated from it.

PARTICIPATE IN ORGANIZATIONS WORKING TO BUILD WORLD COMMUNITY: There are all sorts of organizations making important contributions to our emerging world community—NGOs, global action networks, international professional associations, transnational corporations, and others. They work on a range of issues related to the values of our world community—ranging from human rights to world arts and culture. Pick one, any one that relates to an issue in which you are interested, and get involved.

NURTURE A LIFESTYLE THAT SUPPORTS SUSTAINABLE GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT: The environmental movement has taught us a great deal about how everyday lifestyles and behaviors can have an impact on the quality of life on our planet. The types of transportation we use, how we heat or cool our homes, the types of clothes we wear and the food we eat all affect our quality of life. As global citizens we need to adopt environmentally responsible behaviors in the ways we live.

SUPPORT WORLD ART, MUSIC, AND CULTURE: Being a global citizen is also a celebration of the many different arts and cultures of our people. Take time to learn the ways in which different cultures give expression to the human spirit.

@adsactly we in Romania had the same problem , we had our revolution in 1985 but for what....the dictator is down ( shoot dead with his wife) and guess what? His colleagues are ruling as even today , there communist roots are so deep grown in the system is make very very hard to get rid of them .They are like a cancer !!!!

Very true and sad. The reason for this is lack of education of the masses who blindly vote for PSD (the party that flowed in the footsteps of the Romanian Communist Party). And by the way the Romanian Revolution was in December 1989 not 1985 (probably a typo @alexandrumuraru)

Oh sorry yes my mistake I've pushed the wrong button :))