ADSactly Short Stories - With Friendship Came a Parcel
With Friendship Came a Parcel
Enkay loved to make friends. As an only child, she had always wanted to share the type of bond which exists between siblings with someone.
Her younger self had been a pain in her mother’s butt, disturbing her to birth more children so she could have siblings to play with.
With age, she had come to understand that it was not her mother’s decision not to bear more children; she longed for them but could not have more. Enkay’s birth itself had been an unexpected miracle. She had resigned to her fate as an only child, content to make friends whenever she had the opportunity to.
Her name Enkay was a substitute for the initials “N.K” gotten from her actual name “Nkasiobi” which means “comfort” in the Igbo parlance. Anyone could see why her parents had named her Nkasiobi; her birth had been a massive source of comfort to them. It had proven to their relatives and neighbours that her mother was not barren like they called her.
Enkay; a sophomore in a university abroad was home for the holidays. As the only child of wealthy parents, she was given the best their money could afford. Enkay had been particularly excited about coming home this time because she had landed herself a bosom friend; Princess via Instagram.
Like her, Princess was an only child looking to share a bond with someone she could call a sister. Unsurprisingly, they connected and their friendship grew. They chatted every day, keeping each other abreast of happenings in their respective lives.
Enkay was happier that Princess would be resuming as a first year student in her school next session. This was what had brought them together in the first place; Princess had asked for assistance from any student schooling abroad in the comment section of a popular page they both follow. Enkay had graciously sent her a direct message in reply and helped Princess with information on how best to apply for admission when their friendship happened.
She had encouraged her to apply to her own school and Princess had accepted. On applying, Princess had received an offer of admission and a scholarship in financial support to boot. Enkay’s joy had known no bounds when Princess had given her the news.
They met up on Enkay’s return and hung out many times during the school break. They often hung out at Enkay’s favorite spots or house. Princess’ house was at the far end of the city so they never went there especially because Princess preferred to hang out in Enkay’s part of the city.
Too soon, the holiday was over and it was time for Enkay to return to school. Princess would resume much later because she her papers had been delayed. The girls shopped and hung out gleefully to celebrate their last days together until they would reconnect in school.
Two days to Enkay’s departure, Princess showed up with a package which she wanted Enkay to deliver to someone on her behalf. According to Princess, it contained a gift for a friend and she would take it herself but the friend would be long gone from the city in which their school was situated before her arrival was due. Since Enkay was resuming earlier, she was in a position to help her deliver the present. Enkay agreed and it was put among her things. Princess stayed for a bit before she had to rush home following a call she received from her mother to come home right away.
Enkay’s father, Chief Dike who had been away on a work related trip returned that day. As Enkay chatted excitedly with him after dinner, she told him about the good friend she had made and how their bond would grow stronger because they would be studying in the same school. Her father said he would have helped secure Princess’ papers faster if he had been aware of the situation. Mrs Dike who had been listening said it was now water under the bridge, so they continued their chat during which Enkay let it slip that she would be helping Princess deliver a package to her friend abroad.
Chief Dike’s countenance changed at once. He rebuked Enkay for accepting to do so. She did not understand why delivering a package for her bosom friend was a problem and told her father just that. Calmly, Chief Dike explained to his treasured daughter why he thought it was a silly thing to do since she had not known Princess that long and did not know the content of the package. Enkay defended her friend, Princess, offended that her father would even think such.
Chief Dike might have a very soft spot for his daughter but it always toughened out with matters relating to her wellbeing. He had to be sure even if it meant getting on her wrong side. If it turned out he was wrong, she would forgive him in a day or two like she always did when they had their disagreements. Without mincing words, He demanded to see the package. Enkay, encouraged by her mother, reluctantly went to bring the package and handed it over to her father who tore it open without the slightest hesitation.
A beautiful flowery bag clattered to the ground. Enkay hurriedly picked it up, checking for any injury to it with a visible frown on her face. Chief Dike knew his daughter so well that her knew her frown was her subtle way of saying ”I told you so” but they were not finished. He took the bag from her and opened it. It was empty. He looked up to see a deeper scowl on Enkay’s face and her arms folded. He had been wrong and she expected an apology. He would give her one. He dropped the purse on the settee and went to her.
“I’m sorry I doubted your friend and did not listen to you. I was only looking out for you. These are bad times and you cannot be certain who to trust. Again, I’m sorry.” he said giving her a hug.
Enkay readily accepted her father’s apology by returning his hug. They were however interrupted by Mrs Dike who had gone to pick up the bag.
“This bag is a bit heavier than it ought to be, don’t you think so darling?” she asked her husband.
Chief Dike disengaged from the hug and came to stand next to his wife who was turning the bag inside out. By way of explanation, she continued;
“I mean, look at it. I know bags after all and can tell you that this one right here weighs…”
She was interrupted when her hands found something odd within its linings. She went quickly to the kitchen to get a knife with her husband and daughter following closely behind her. When she tore the lining from the bag, there was no doubt as to what they had discovered and the impending doom they had just luckily prevented.
Enkay had never seen her father move so fast. He tore open the small packages one after the other and flushed their content down the sink. Her mother got a trash can inside which they burnt what remained of the packages including the bag. When they had finished, Chief Dike turned to Enkay and said;
“I want to believe this was a mistake. There was no way you could have known but here is what you are going to do to ensure this does not repeat itself. You will give me Princess’ phone number and I will let her know that if she ever as much as speaks to you again not to mention coming within two yards of you, I will come after her and make sure to crush her. Then, you are going to delete everything you have of her from your phone and life. You are never to speak to or see her again. Lastly, you will return to school on Thursday and we will never speak of this again. Have I made myself clear?”
“Yes dad.” a remorseful Enkay replied.
“Good.” Chief Dike finished after which he left the kitchen, his mood obviously ruined for the night. Mrs Dike followed her husband upstairs to their bedroom. Night time had come earlier than usual in their home.
Enkay did as her father instructed. She had learnt her lesson and made a point to be more careful with friendships and trusting people. She returned to school two days later and never spoke to or saw Princess again.
All images were obtained from pixabay.
A fiction story written by @royalrose
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Thank you!
Good story .. Thank you
Caution should be exercised in this time ..
And we have to check on our children who are accompanying ... they are his character
Thanks for sharing
This is lesson packed. I had to read to the end as the story started with a picture of my younger self memory as the only child. I always wanted to be around and form bond with others.
Your story further got me glued by how anyone could get help by asking for such on social media groups and pages, and how we could connect and build strong friendship from social media.
I envy the bond and loving moment of Enkay's family. My own father was always away in his work station. Yet, when he was home i feared him fiercely. But Enkay was rather so lucky.
But with how your story rolled on, i already could swear for Enkay's friend to be harmless. How could she think of implicating Enkay. Someone who helped her. I thought they had grown to be sisters than friends. I still trust someone else must have hid those stuffs discovered in the bag not her. I loved their union already not to accept it ending in betrayal. Yet I have learned not to trust humans foolishly. Thanks goodness for the wisdom of Enkay's parents.
Thank you for this story. This is the first lengthy story on social media I have read to the very end. Thanks for sharing once again.
I am @desmonddesk. I will stick closer to read more stories from you @adsactly
Yes @desmonddesk, @adsactly story is so piled with lessons, its also very intriguing, it also reminded me of my childhood when i had to make lunch for my siblings when i was much younger because mum had given birth and was in the hospital, i eneded up messing it up, but the happiness we had a baby brother made us eat it.
This story is one out of many more i expect from you!
@iconnelly thank you 😀
Wow, you really paid attention to the story. Thank you 😀. You successfully decoded all lessons embedded in it; which writer would not feel happy and encouraged by your comment? Thanks again for reading and sharing your thoughts. Your comment made my day.
This absolutely is my first lengthy story I am reading also.. It is so captivating.
Me too.
Haha, thats funny! I thiny you are wrong! Why? Ask yourself!
I agree with this
Nice story!
Yes. our children could be grown up well with good friends who can exchange something to boost each other. Whenever, I had problem with my sons, I definitely tried not to interrupt his friends and not to say any bad thing for them. Because I have to respect their decision and preference. However, in some cases, it's very hard to absorb.
Children naturally have a talent to feed back from parent's reaction, even very short and minor change on its face or voice.
I've learned a good way to persuade our children form your blog and she will be better.
In this mood, I used to listen to my favorite music, "The greatest love of all, song by Whitney Huston."
Well said. I'm glad this story is of help to you. Thanks for reading.
People can not live alone because of nature. It always requires other people, friends or relatives. Without our friends and relatives, there is no sense of happiness or suffering that we live in. Because if happiness is shared, it grows, and when suffering is shared, it becomes diner.
We have many friends in everyday life. We make friends at home, at school, at work, and more. The bonds between us and these people are not very strong, but we still find some sharing. But getting real friends in real mania is a hard job. One can have ten friends, but one is a true friend.
Friends are people we share all our secrets. On our painful days, we call them first. For this reason, we should take care to know the value of our friends and not break them. The real friend is very hard to get in this period. @adsactly
Rightly said. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts
I graduated on a theme of short story on University of philosophy and I can tell you that it's a nice short story. You know how to write and have a feeling for it. The best thing in writing is to have a feeling to create a story - it's start, middle, highest dramatic point and the end.
For me, the most passionate stories are the real ones. Then you don't need to create a fiction, just put on paper what happened but we have to look on a style then. To chose a right style is as important as a story itself. Right words and sentences... But it all comes with a writing and time.
Once we have a writer as guest on a seminar and he told us: 'It's a work just like and other work and you can learn it. Just write!'
I think it all boils down to personality and circumstance. Some people find it easy to make friends, others don't. Good lesson though, your story teaches us to be careful when making friends.
What a wonderful post...
Wow this post its very amazing my friend @adsactly
Thank you
A heart-touching short story.
Thank you